My Pen!

This was a great ten episodes. Not a weak one in the bunch. Really enjoyed Allison Brie (every actor did great, though) throughout. The guy who plays Bash looks like what'd pop out if Zac Efron and Rob Lowe had a baby.

Cromwell is DA BOMBwell.

I tried typing a few posts. I still don't know how to process the guy in the charge of the world - because the USA does exert that influence - being Donald Trump. This shit is beyond the pale. It's too stupid. The 'proud idiocy', laziness, insecurity, resentment toward intellectualism, willful - or not -

Powers combined! Canagerfrance!

I just watched this episode and came here to post this. I spit my drink out because of that line. Great delivery.

I only came here to remind everyone 'Gypsy' is a great Dio song.

Unfreeze Wittgenstein!

The Caped Moosader!

In which Bruce Wayne's innards are literally ground beef.

'OOooooooo OOOOOooo where's the fookin' sausages!'

Hopefully not a silver potato.

It's very… erotic.

Never thought I'd read the phrase, '…and then presumably coming inside that other car, thereby inseminating the car eggs and spawning a baby car,' on the AV Club. Love it.

Love ya!


Nah, it's 'Attack of the Clones'.

'Big Man With a Twitter Account'.

I was a philosophy major, and one of the apex joys of that study was tearing into people with anti-intellectual, never-considered convictions. It's shocking how little thought people have put into their 'existential necessities' - their beliefs.

A conviction is not 'the truth', dumbfucks.