
I believe the correct term is “Bawbag”

I know some Pussy ass bitches and they would NOT appreciate being compared to Trump. This is very offensive to them. 

I feel so bad for kids with “unique spelling” names. No one every spells it or pronounces it right. Its a real irritant with which to go through life. I kept this in mind when naming my own kids. Jack, Henry and Oliver. Names that you can spell and pronounce.

My husband was 24 when my autistic son was conceived so I don’t know how much merit that theory has. My son is also is a picky eater, but his pickiness is all about food textures. I can usually get him to eat certain fruits and veggies, once I figured out what textures he can handle.

Yes, and no. That’s like my father-in-law saying, regarding Learning Disabled people, “In my day, we just called them what they were - lazy idiots!”. yeah, my father-in-law is a Trump fan that feels bad for Jefferey Epstein, so whatever. My point is, labels are good to some degree. It acknowledges that there is

I’m sorry, oyu have now made me curious. What is your biblical name? 

That WOULD be a weird question. Who the hell likes reverse cowgirl?

No legitimate Hassidic rabbi has in any way supported this new trend of rejecting vaccines. Its based on the same bullshit arguments that you get anywhere. You can’t say Jenny Mcathy and her ilk isn’t educated. I have a Hasidic neighbor that doesn’t vaccinate and her argument is the same ignorant bullshit as all the

Thank you for that. I gotta re-watch that whole show.

Maybe its being the kid of immigrant parents, but I’ve never been precious about my birthday. My parents, like yours, worked extremely long hours and I fended for myself a lot, with my older sister picking up the slack. They usually acknowledged my birthday and my Mom would often bake me a cake but this was about it.

10/10 would watch

It reminds me a bit of the whole Snape thing in Harry Potter. Just because he loved Lily and was on the good side all along due to that love does not redeem every shitty thing he did. He was still a complete and utter asshole to Lily’s son, because he hated James and blamed Harry for his being bullied. 

He can stab me with his trident any goddamn day of the week, my friend. Any goddamn day.

Shlubby Moms FTW! I am literally wearing a Costo Hoodie and those pull-on sneakers that everyone seems to have. Nearly all my kids’ PJ’s are from Costco. They wash well, and they’re cheap. 

Yes, exactly. I can’t get pissed at him if the counters arent cleaned the way I like it if I force him to do it when I know he’s not great at it, just like he can’t get pissed at ME if he asks me to cook and it gets screwed up. If he cant cook 1 night, we get takeout instead.

I think it would bum most normal people out to watch their partner, whom they supposedly love, do EVERYTHING, while they sit on their asses and watch them. It would make me so uncomfortable. I feel like society hasn’t caught up to this yet. Because 90% of couples I know both have jobs. So, pick up the slack, people!

I can understand where you’re coming from but he is equally as baffled as to how I can burn pancakes and destroy grilled cheese. If he wouldn’t be around, honestly I would probably get take out all the time. And if I weren’t around, he might indulge in a cleaning service. Do I get a “pass” at cooking because I am bad

I feel like people don’t allow men to be adults. Yes, you need to clean and shop and do chores and what not. Its called being an independent adult, has no one taught them that? I’m embarrassed for these men who would probably starve to death if they didn’t have a mother or a wife placing food in front of them.

Its true that my husband does almost zero percent of the cleaning but he does about 95% of the cooking and baking because I’m crap at it and he’s not. He’s really, really bad at cleaning. He’s not pretending either. He’s as incapable of sweeping a floor correctly as I am at making a delicious french roast. But I would

I honestly think that some of these people of yell and bitch about immigrants have never meant one. I live in a city that is full of immigrants, undocumented and documented and they are the hardest working, MOST grateful people ever. Its the American asshole kids that are demanding, whiny, and ungrateful. Maybe get