
Damn! That song will not leave my head all day now. Thanks, Hazel!

Whoa. Creepy. Bring back true scary stories contest, Jezebel!

Where is that contest that Jezebel used to have before Halloween? The scariest true stories? I miss those! Those were fantastic and gave me genuine nightmares.

I think they prefer to be called “Wee Magic Folk” now. Stay informed.

And Tigger is just your basic asshat.

I am so stealing that one.

Oh, I loved him in Doctor Who! That’s where I recognized him too. “You’ve noticed something. You’ve got your noticing face on. I have nightmares about that face!” 

Your username is particularly topical. Yes, the internet outrage machine is alive and well. I often wonder if some people don’t know how to feel about a specific topic unless their favorite blog/ media outlet weighs in. Sometimes I change my mind about something given new information, and I always try to stay

My God, that woman can arch an eyebrow.

“I know you are, but what am I?” Is considered a high-level discourse for this administration.

I want to like this, but this is just more ammunition that the Trump supporters need to prove that we’re anti-Trump for its own sake, and not because we disagree with his agenda. This is the shit my Rush Limbaugh-loving Mom points to and says “See? See?? Its all about being anti-Trump, no matter what he does.”

I can never seem to figure out which of them I dislike more. Mike Pence is so Anti-Gay, you just know he’s had a dick in his mouth at some point in his life.

Breaking news: Old White Guy Defends the Other Old White Guy. Shocking. Details at 11.

I LOVE Jennifer Crusie. My favorites include A Cinderella Deal and Maybe This Time.