
So, you are advocating for stripping people of their First Amendment rights because YOU disagree with whom they support politically? In reality, their rights are not dependent on or subject to your approval. 

So much for unity.

On the other hand, you can find quite a few examples of Leftists doing the same thing that got conservatives banned with no repercussion.

The point is rather simple, claims such as this article makes need to have actual statistics and data to support them not just supposition. So, where is the data? No where to be found.

I did read and there were no statistics provided.

When one has to resort to such sophomoric comebacks I will count my argument as having won the day.

Kavanaugh’s accuser didn’t give detailed testimony. I mean she couldn’t remember where the house was and how she got there. Having said that, the way that she was treated was unjust and shouldn’t have happened.

Was there ever a doubt that this article was going to be about Trump?

And what of the Left leaning media who have ignored rioting and violence against the Right this year?

Except prominent Democrats have called for the compilation of lists of Trump supporters and it is being done.

They won’t be called re-education camps. They will be called Unity Camps.

Asking Leftists to be civil is like asking for it to snow in the desert. It can happen but the chances are fleeting.

No, Clinton didn’t do anything but the Democrats have spent the last four years trying everything and anything to remove Trump because they never accepted the results of the election.

The reverse is also true. Look at how they treated Kavanaugh and Biden when there were accusations of sexual assault.

No, the biggest danger to the sanctity of the runoff election is Democrats calling for people to move to Georgia in order to vote in that election.

Then grow some balls and lead the charge.

There was a recent president that extra-judicially killed American citizens, signed a law that allowed for the indefinite detention of American citizens, that waged a war on whistleblowers, that had major civil unrest on his watch, whose VP was allegedly involved in a quid pro quo scheme with Ukraine and who created a

Obama was a worse president that Trump. So, was Bush. We made it through them.

There is no coup happening. Stop being a catastrophizing hysteric.

What happened to the supposed Blue Wave from this election? You people keep hoping for things that rarely materialize the way that you expect them to.