I’m just joking you fucking doughnut.
I’m just joking you fucking doughnut.
Count the rings Drew. Let it seethe... Cmon, count them Drew. LOOK AT ME WHILE I’M FUCKING TALKING TO YOU!
Err, didn’t see that. Hardly a rant though compared to yours. Oh and your laughter is disingenuous. I can tell. You seem angry and terrible.
Yeah I agree, this is terrible.
This is akin to being raped and then being forced to keep the child.
I would fucking abort.
This is INSANE. The sperm bank fucked up. What else did they fuck up with? This isn’t just an act of nature this is someones negligence.
Oh yes,gawker media network, where everyone deals in insane hypotheticals. “Yeah, when that kid pulls her out of a fiery train wreck... *sigh*
Sarcasm or stupid?
Squad wipe is Battlefield. Battlefield is made by DICE who is Swedish.
China only has one shitty aircraft carrier. lol
The fact that people from Denver think that Denver is a “cool city” blows my fucking mind. Denver is a pile of shit.
No, it’s terrible!
Wait so you’re more than a troll? You believe the inane shit you say?
They’re just some fucking headphones for dweebs. What the fuck ever.
Killer plan dude.
tl;dr Oh you’re hung over? Too bad. Go to work just as if you weren’t hung over. Remember to eat and drink food and water like you should be doing anyway.
Greg just writes from his gut. Doesn’t matter if it’s true if he feels it.
He claimed to be black. Some confused ass white guy.