
Cool. I'll assume you read this article, then, which discusses improvements to work/life balance for everyone, including childless workers.

Hey, don't call Larry Bird underachieving.


Here's all you need to know about New Hampshire. They have 18 miles of beautiful coastline on the ocean. So that's where they built the nuke plant.

Shit like this is forbidden in Massachusetts, which may be one of the main reasons that it is my favorite state.

I-er uh-would laike to—-er uh—-ooohdah the-uh-PAHDEE PLADDAH

Now playing

Lies! Nothing bad ever happens to the Kennedys!

I hate that we get so much shit for NH in MA, especially all of the political ads. Especially since Scott Brown decided to run in NH! Like, we just got rid of him and yet we continue to be submitted to even more of his goddamn ads. Will it ever fucking end?!?

I will never disrespect Market Basket, as I worked in the bakery back in the day.

New Hampshire is the South of the North. *runs*

I would punch a baby straight in the mouth for her hair. I mean, I'd prefer to find a baby that really had it coming, but it's not a requirement.

So some back story. I was living on a ship with my husband, who was one of the crew in the engine room, and while I hadn't planned to get pregnant so quickly after the marriage, we were pretty thrilled. I was due in a week or two and we were discussing baby names, so it was a pretty normal morning. I'd had a

I have carried a torch for him since he was in Voyage of the Mimi. Nothing short of him nuking the library of congress will shake that love.


Umm, he's a Bostonian so he probably said he "cahnted cahds, now where are my khakis?"

I think it's time we get rid of the myth that minimum wage jobs all require minimal skill. Every fast food drive thru worker in my city is bilingual. Are YOU bilingual, author of this Op Ed? Also, I would l-o-v-e to see some white collar exec work the a slammed Friday night at any Denny's, where my best friend

You should team up with the Penn State folks who argue long and loud about how horribly unfair Joe Paterno was treated after he knew one of his closest staff members was raping children.. You guys have a lot in common.

Oh, I disagree! I like him a little on the fluffy side.