Hunt starts and you see this weird stampede of damn adults streaking across the field and filling up eggs with their hats, shirt etc while their poor kid is held by someone else
Hunt starts and you see this weird stampede of damn adults streaking across the field and filling up eggs with their hats, shirt etc while their poor kid is held by someone else
Look, I asked for more House, not Full House.
my roomie in hs planned her own surprise 16th party at chuck e cheese through another friend so that none of us knew that she planned it.
It's complicated. When people tell me I'm pretty, I'm like 'Pff, I am average. Maybe even above average if I've had a good night's sleep. But I'm not all that, by a long shot'. And then sometimes I'll take a photo of myself and be all 'wtf photo, I am looking much cuter than that today! RECOGNISE MY CUTENESS'
I don't care how many times people say it or how much proof I see, I will never believe it is Donny Osmond.
Our daughter was born via surrogate. There was no way in the world for her to be more wanted or planned. But when we got the news, we looked at each other and said, “Holy shit. We did it! Oh, god. What have we done?”
My brother was the result of an unplanned pregnancy. My mom was pretty upfront about it, but in a kind way. That still didn’t stop me as a kid from tormenting my brother over it.
I was an accident and my mom considered adoption and abortion. In the end she just decided she had no solid reasons NOT to keep me. so she did. And it was rad. And she shared this with me at various times in my life and you know what? I love it. And i appreciate the realism. Her honesty and clear joy and where things…
DISHONOR ON YOUR COW! (I mean, not YOUR cow adultosaur, but you know...)
omg both are DOPE OPTION
Why must you make this about race? Why can’t we just live in a color-blind society? It’s what Dr. King would have wanted. You’re the real racist. I don’t see color, I see people.
omg i also love that her friends were still her friends after it came out that she was a girl too
That song is possible the most catchy/satisfying song that has ever existed. I used to sing it with my castmates to pump myself up before shows (theater kids are weird)
Hands down the most bopable soundtrack of any Disney movie, and yes I include the 98* song at the end. Also Mulan is the best because she was the first "princess" they allowed to be funny and do physical comedy. Also Mulan is the best because her angsty haircut moment influenced my ENTIRE beauty aesthetic for LIFE I…
i rewatched mulan recently and was basically like THIS STILL LIVES UP TO THE HYPE to myself the whole time.
As long as they keep the "Be A Man" song in, then I'm okay with this.
I think I've been to the place mentioned in Rabbit LaRue's story. Everything about the description matches. The red vinyl, the overpriced rat pack drinks, the tiny stage, and especially the way-too-loud-for-the-tight-space band. The only thing is, that place still exists. To the best of my knowledge it has never…
What kind of asshole scratches a "J" into the Roman Coliseum?!