
Turn the other cheek, bro.

Bullshit, you’ll just get drunk.

Are you saying that Tim Tebow arranges, directs, produces and finances snuff films? Because I believe you.

I fucked your mother’s son.

You people are misusing socks.

So would I.

“What’s this behind your ear?”

ESPN headline this afternoon: “Tebow grounds out in first AB.” Whimsical.

This is my truth:

They are both faggots.

Yehaww. Jeff Gordon rules.

“THE RAPE LOTTERY”, Shirley Jackson’s lost novel.

Simmons is not a journalist. He is a bag of dicks in a blazer.

+1 Firestick.

He killed fitty men.

Hugs. Lots of disarming, rehabilitating hugs.

Thundercats suck.

As an American, I am not offended. Sigh.

+2 Humping Neanderthals.

“My dignity and self respect is something that cannot be bought...for a penny less than $2M.”