(chuckle) I read that first sentence with the typo as “blue vuvuzela”,and...
(chuckle) I read that first sentence with the typo as “blue vuvuzela”,and...
Hate starred for snort laugh and immediate shame.
Oh my god. I feel bad for laughing, so fuck you.
Would you like a morbid and horrible story to start the day?
Whether Trump is funny or not hinges on whether you think he’s actually gonna be the president or not. This kind of shit isn’t remotely funny. When he bullies slimy republican politicians it’s hilarious, and I recommend you check it out. But I admit it's getting less funny.
Yes, totally 100% clinically narcissistic response. He can never back down, won’t apologize, redirects right back on to the victim. Makes my skin crawl too. I’m legit scared of him.
He’s entertaining (maybe?) if your rights are not in any capacity going to be affected by electing him. Or rather, you don’t know that your rights will be affected. Women, gays, minorities, etc all seem to get that he is toxic. There is a small sliver that believes simply he’ll “make america great again” but so far…
See, that’s why you’re still grey. Have you at least discovered the City of Lost Souls? Do you have your alpaca?
You know damn well nobody has completed it lately. The smell lingers for days.
As far as I can tell, “The Ritual” is just complaining that you are still grey frequently enough that someone takes pity on you and pulls you out of the greys.
Classic narcissistic behaviour. Refusing to admit the truth. Gas-lighting victims even with actual physical evidence. Lying lying lying about everything. And so calm and unrattled because he’s so removed from the reality the rest of us live in. He is terrifying. I get panicked just reading these things about him. I no…
I've been grey forever. For a brief moment last week I thought I was ungreyed but it was all a lie. Le sigh.
Meh, I’ve been here for over a year. Still grey, always will be I guess. It’s no biggie, most people read the greys, anyway :)
Have you completed The Ritual?
Can I please please PLEASE get ungreyed, please? PLEASE?
Yes, Trump, juries destroy men’s lives, rather than the men who made bad decisions themselves.
The constitutional right of the accused to confront the accuser. It’s something that does more good than harm, but it leaves victims of sexual abuse and stalking in horrible positions that often results in them refusing to testify. I’m not sure of the solution though. Ideas? Also while keeping in mind to change this…
Actually, there are studies that show a lot of the “false accusations” of rape are deemed false by law enforcement after the woman refuses to go forward. When examined by neutral third parties, a lot of them are accusations the woman recanted because the police treated her so poorly and didn’t believe her.
I was just thinking about this, this morning (haha, always good to wake up thinking about rape culture). It’s such a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Exactly why I like to go in for the slow kill.