Question Everything

Oh no, it appears I triggered you.

You rely too much on those tired old left-wing talking points. Go back and read what Clinton himself actually said—and did. (I suppose snowflakes swear so much to try to make themselves seem tough.)

You missed my point, you racist.

...and which president started NK on the nuclear path? Oh, that’s right—a Clinton. Go back to the kids’ table and let the adults speak intelligently now.

Very well put. Best of luck with your upcoming nuptials. :)


More stars for you!

I wish I could give you more stars. Simpletons like Jack want to see the world in black and white, right and wrong, red team and blue team. Reality is much more complex. Apparently too complex for Jack to write about. I pity him

Snowflakes are varied and many. But for the violent kind, I’ve got my “snowblower” locked and loaded.

What does her race have to do with anything?

Jack, you are so lost right now. So angry and bitter. You can’t see that extremism—either left or right—isn’t good for anybody. Anyone who is “alt” this or “anti” that isn’t one of the “good guys.” Take a lesson from Buddha—the chillest of dudes to ever walk the planet—and take the middle path. That’s where all of us

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Mazdas are dog-ugly.

That James guy is just too nervous to watch comfortably. He needs to take a Valium.

I’ve been enjoying my $28,000 997 for more than a year now. Fantastic driver’s car. Someday may “upgrade” to a 991, but it’s a much bigger-feeling car.

Being an owner of a Nissan Pao, I am very pro-Pao. But what is this? This can’t be an article, right?

Lot of racists making comments here. See, racism goes both ways. Until you figure that out, you’re just making a fool of yourself.

Ugly color scheme. Bleck!

It. Doesn’t. Matter. Fuck, racist much?

That’s a Bugatti.

I own a base 997. (Even has manual seats.) Six-speed, of course. Fantastic car.