Question Everything

Go Trump!

You just contradicted your post directly above. SMH

No such thing as “free” education or healthcare. We employed types pay for it, so the lazy unemployed types don’t have to.

Can we all just agree that you’re a spoiled entitled brat?

I once got stopped going 155 in my buddy’s Pinto wagon. Granted, said Pinto wagon had a monstrous V8 transplant. But I didn’t even get a ticket. Just a warning to slow the hell down. THOSE were the days.

Kristen, the little girl in the ad grew up to be a crackwhore. Not so much because of losing her first Honda as because she was destined to be a crackwhore.

My wife, who is Thai-Chinese, is definitely a dragonlady. Ask her. She’ll tell you so.

“Pending approval.” Fucking censors.

Islam needs to be wiped from the face of the Earth.

Until distracted driving laws carry the same stiff penalties as DUI, the trend will continue upwards. As for distracted pedestrians, survival of the fitest and all that.

I came here to post exactly that.

Yes. Skinny is better.

The NHTSA and MADD are fucking evil. They lie and they lobby for laws that ruin people’s lives for no realistic reason. Don’t believe me? Do some independent research—and then comment. People at 0.08 BAC simply aren’t impaired enough to routinely run over people. Those who do tragically kill people by drunk driving

Lighten up, Francis. It was just a joke. Sheesh.

You get it. Why doesn’t anyone else?

For the record, I think Cruz is nuts, too. But leftist snark is politics—not cars.

Pretty interesting article—until you get to the anti-Cruz snowflake piece of unnecessary snark. Therefore, failure of an article.

In Norwegian, the name “Kjell” is pronounced similar to the word “shell.”

No! Oh God, no!!! That was the worst hack of a show ever. All they did was (very poorly) copy Top Gear UK.

I think you mean “fewer” jails. And black males are incarcerated for many many other things than pot.