I was waiting for the inevitable pic of some busty girl in a tight shirt or sweater. Jalops have let me down. Off to Pornhub, I guess.
I was waiting for the inevitable pic of some busty girl in a tight shirt or sweater. Jalops have let me down. Off to Pornhub, I guess.
The back looks like a ‘92 Civic.
The intolerant left and their hate and violence. SMH
What a fucking pussy. All these snowflakes sicken me. Maybe we should bring back the draft—to toughen up all these whiny sissies.
Snowflakes are so funny.
Snowflakes are so funny.
9/11 was over 15 years ago. The world is a dynamically changing place. Even the dumbass terrorists know that.
I’m with you.
No, it’s not actually.
I’m for the ban. But I too think Saudi needs to be on the banned list. Come on Trump, do what we elected you to do.
Good on you, Scott. A voice of reason here in what’s become a liberal swamp.
Me, too. The good old days. Now it’s nonstop liberal whining.
Libertarian actually. See you there.
No one cares what these paid actors “think.”
God, you whiny liberal snowflakes are pathetic. Go Trump! Make America Safe Again.
I almost feel sorry for you. You are so full of hate for things you can’t wrap your little mind around.
I believe that’s your microwave dinner that’s ready there, sport.
Way to work in all of the crazy left’s crybaby talking points. How about you pull your head out of your dumbass and actually think for yourself after you read something like Godwin’s law. Ask yourself what it really means for an argument to reach that point. If you’re too fucking stupid to figure it out yourself,…