Those elephants know what they did.
Those elephants know what they did.
4/10 would not fuck
Julia Louis Dreyfus 53, Salma Hayek 47, Catherine Zeta Jones 44
Since you are a stylish person - can you explain switching handbags (which T Swift seems to be doing in these photos) frequently to me? Do you literally pack and repack your purse every day or every few days? Do you do this in the morning? It seems impossible.
I was about to comment that this guy will probably get more time for hitting the rabbit than the woman.
The sickest I ever got in my life, I threw up lentil soup for like six hours. I can't even look at lentils anymore.
Is this morbid? I would like my husband to have the legal authority to make decisions for me if I ever become incapacitated. He is the only one in the world that I currently trust to do that for me. Sure, I could fill out a bunch of power of attorneys and draw up all kinds of documents, but its easier just to get…
If he thinks condom-less sex is messy, wait until he sees you give birth.
I drank it raw as a kid too occasionally. I still remember the taste (delicious) though it's been over 20 years. I don't know how the suburbs/city could get it fresh enough, so it's probably a terrible idea now.
And the sushi and the tartare, and the raw oysters and the runny yolks...
I used to drink raw milk (as a child! 70s!) but only very very fresh and it TASTES SO GOOD. I highly doubt it helps with any kind of allergy etc. Why would it? Anyway, it makes me sad that weirdos have adopted it and made it seem weird. It thought it was just a perk of having a rancher granddad and just another risk…
Some people have a lot of shitty friends.
He married Blair :(...
The first sentence of this article was confusing to me, like - is it common that women compare their vulvas ? and to those of porn stars? I mean maybe it is, but not in my world.
They need to get to the bottom of it, for sure, and quickly before time runs out.
Oh really? So you get jalapeños on your burger just anywhere?
White on white crime.
This is a good study but by no means a definitive study. The headline of NY Times is much more accurate: tomosynthesis APPEARS to improve cancer detection. There still is nowhere near enough information to make recommendations, but more than enough to encourage further studies.
Portland: Even our Home Invasions are Twee!