
Not weird. In fact, a good opportunity for some casual sex if that's your thing.

Rich people do. Which is what all the moaning and bitching about it is so paradoxical.

I don't know if I have better friends than the rest of the internet or just better boundaries, but all of these wedding angst articles always seem silly to me. Just say no. If the person is going to hate you for that, then I daresay they are not good friends...

I'm 40 and the only time I was ever asked, I had to decline because I was in graduate school broke and 3,000 miles away. Was my friend a little hurt? Yeah, but she's still my friend. (she divorced that guy about 19 months later)

I have heard of having multiple showers (if you have various groups of friends in different places) but never NEVER have I heard of inviting the same person/people to more than one shower. Consider me appalled.

Bras were just starting to be worn vs. corsets in the early 1920s - they were usually kind of like a bandeau sort of affair. Bras with shaping seams and finally wires didn't come along for another 20 years or so. (for bras in lots of sizes)

When I was a kid (70s) the clothes for bigger girls were in a section called "Huskies."

They have what is called sock for the men - its more like a bag, and a patch for the women - they call it a knicker sticker (it goes over where you would expect it to). They also will put a pad in between the actors when they are on top of each other like that.

Why did I have to scroll this far down in the comments to see a kitten?

Whatever they are doing, it should be mandatory.

Dr. Drew is not a therapist for one thing (by training)- he's not a psychiatrist. He is an internist. He DOES have a lot of clinical experience providing therapy and he IS a good communicator, but it's not what he took his degree in... I have mixed feelings about Dr. Drew...

I don't know.. people get pretty fussy when you charge them hundreds of dollars for one hour of your time.

It wasn't a Time magazine survey. It was a survey by the Bureau of Labor Statistics- Time magazine just reported on it.

I have only been to handful of weddings, yet I am married. Can I have a book deal?

Apparently it's the same hummus at Target though.

That Bordelle garter dress that Katy Perry is wearying is pretty great though.

I'm glad to finally see a victim of domestic violence admit her his share of responsibility.

I didn't know that slips had fallen out of fashion until right now. I feel old.

My parents saw kids as a way to do less housework not more. I was setting and clearing tables by 1st grade, doing dishes by 5th grade, making my own lunch and doing my own laundry by 6th grade. My brother mowed our lawn from when he was a young teenager. What is with people?