
In America, we use words like “grit” to describe players who are willing to get dirty and like “captain” for those who will do anything for their teammates.

Yes, he is very wrong for not delivering a dissertation covering the breadth of the topic during this interview.

My god, the “famous person says something fundamentally supportive in an imperfect* way so let’s shit on him” genre has to die.


If the first baseman has the ball and is betweem you and the bag, you are most definitely allowed to run him over.

Whenever someone tries to tell me about their golf game, I too think about Nelson Mandela and wish I could do 27 years in prison instead.

god damn it! Does this mean I have to get rid of this?

The fact that Pence is so adamant about the rules makes me think that it’s a mix of paternalism and him having cheated at some point.

The really great thing is, you don’t have to be alone with a woman to take away her access to health care.

You’ve gotta think that even Childs, from his hospital bed, would tend to agree that he’s untalented at safety.

Sage strikes me as the kinda guy who didn’t even know when Election Day was

But was it a sandwich?

The only way to get into Bull Valhalla is to take some motherfuckers out first.

Why, what’s up?

They are already off to a bad start.

If it’s any comfort, he just made you do it so he could fuck the bejeezus out of your Mom.

At the end of the game, Jim yelled out “Who’s got it better than us?” and in unison, the family screamed “Nobody!” and then everybody went inside and had pancakes and fucked. The Aristocrats!!

Alternative headline:

Well then she shouldn’t have married an old-timey prospector, by cracky!