
I feel like i am one of the few people that actually like Androids media player. I am constantly listening to music, and I like the application and dont really understand why people complain about it

@SophT: You can make an account without a credit card, go in and download a free item. Hit create account, select none for credit card.

WWDC disappointed me today. I was expecting some type of non-Iphone information, such as Mac Mini or Air. But hopefully fall, along with a Verizon iPhone. That would be nice

@mths: hahah took me a few minutes to realize who you were

I wouldn't care if the iPhone went to Verizon. I am Android. Once I have used my Droid for months, I can't stand the UI from the iPod touch. Droid homescreen is alot cleaner to me compared to the iPhones. I know many people will disagree with me, but I don't imagine myself switching to iPhone OS anytime soon

I would as long as it ends up having useful features. If it has good multi-person games and neat social features, I can see myself eventually getting one. I'm not a first adopter. I would probably wait 6 months and hear what people have to say. When I get an expensive gadget, I read tons of reviews on it. Such as with

Might try this later. I am applying for an internship, and have been receiving many calls from numbers I do not recognize. It would be helpful to know who is calling. Especially if I am in a situation where I can only answer if its necessary.

@Nathan Dufault: Not every month, but I have 300GB+ on my laptop drive, and that would kill me for the entire month. at the moment, I am going to stick with my Home Server. Maybe when we switch to Fios I will consider getting it

This stopped working with me on my Droid... It would flash on and off in the notification panel. And when I went to actually locate my phone, it didn't actually locate. And back ups stopped after a while. I reinstalled and same errors occured. I now use Mobile Defense instead.

Cool idea! I like the Wave use here.. Hopefully tomorrow we get some Android news. 2.2 would be nice

@freakshowtime: I have been considering Mozy or Carbonite for offsite back ups, but Comcasts 250GB cap is pushing me away from that

@freakshowtime: Windows Home Server. I have an old HP computer I turned into a Home Server. 2TB of storage

I never really had a problem with Vista. I didn't join right at launch, I installed about a year later. I do know most of the problems were at launch, so I guess I avoided that. Windows 7, I joined a week later(Took Amazon a week to send it to my house).

Lifehacker has almost made me use Dropbox again... I used to use it, but then uninstalled it for the lack of use I got out of it. I only have one PC and didn't find much of a use for it. The starting torrents VIA dropbox was tempting, I will say that

@nerve11: It won't really be obsolete. But how many of us on here really want to be using 5 year old monitors?

As a high school student as well, I dont see the need to get 4 monitors. Graduating in another year, doesn't make fiscal sense to purchase all those. Considering that 4 years later that stuff will pretty much be obsolete. Thats my main reason to not purchase another 23" monitor to pair with my current one

Is it possible to get someone who works with pirates in the music industry? I would be interested in seeing that

@talkingstove: I would get a Google Tablet. I love my Droid, but the screen becomes limiting at points. I hope they set up some deal in which my smartphone dataplan correlates to the tablets data plan