
I had my car in to get the valve covers replaced a few days ago and was wandering around the sales lot during the 6 (!!!!) hours it took, and two separate sales guys came out, saw my scrunched up face, and without any prompting, let me know they don’t have anything in stick on the lot.

10/10 would cruise land in

Taking the top of the Jeep is worth all the pennies.

We’ve had some great success with the Wright brothers. Tremendous success. Before DJT got involved, they just made bicycles. Sad!

I am very impressed how fast he was able to turn around such a large and expensive project! all while accomplishing so many other huge tasks! Amazing attention to detail I’d assume is his key to success.

He fixed all this with one single tweet, he’s so tremendously efficient !

Allegedly the fastest car in the world is car referred to as “My Buddy’s Mustang”. I hear about it at every car show but have yet to lay eyes on it.

Was probably a V6 with an exhaust.

I always feel like a worthless piece of shit after reading stories like this.

Unbelievable. As a caliber driver, I can’t let such disrespect go unanswered. The Caliber is a great car. Don’t just believe what the Internet says. How many gear ratios does your car have? Five? Mine has an INFINITE amount. Try to wrap your head around that. Carl Sagan couldn’t. Don’t care about cars? Fine! Neither

This is a high caliber post. It’s impossible to dodge the obvious faults you present. Frankly, someone should ram this thing out of its misery. Perhaps a challenger may appear one day to lead the legions of people in caravans; chargers who leap head first into this arduous journey, often having to dart around the

As an owner I was subjected to so many LL jokes, I can honestly say I already know the struggle of a DeLorean owner without ever having had one...

You’re timing is off and you’re running rich, son.

Nice photo. Gotta say this kid took an even better one, by a long shot.

Getting in and out of the Post Office in under half an hour is still at least ten years away.

This is a view of the Tesla in question from the back. I’m so sick of all these goddamn middle aged punks driving through my neighborhood blasting Harry Potter at 1 A.M. Some of us are Tolkien fans.

Best read on Jalopnik in some time. Hoping to see more from you soon!

Why I Fuck Up My Cars

“The tint is illegal,” he told me, “but I’ve never gotten pulled over for it.”

YOU’RE A BUNCH OF NAY SAYERS. nanana boo boo, stick your head in doo doo. ANOTHA ONE.