
Is there any sort of a fundraiser for Cristal? I’d like to send her a check from Lulu.

Was he on Ashley Madison?

The Kinsey Milhone Santa Rosa?

He looks terrible. Like Chris Farley before he died. Bloated, sweaty, puffy and out of breath.

They are the perfect shade of orange!

Exactly. Who would even buy these? You would have to walk like the “Keep On Truckin’ “ guy to even make them work.

Taking a cat on a plane takes nerves of steel.

Was it your cat? Or a fellow passenger’s cat?

I wonder if she even officially booked the dog on the flight. The folks at Delta are excellent at making sure that there is enough room for my dog carrier. She probably didn’t want to pay the $125.00.

I know. Those people are the worst.

She is an asshole. I fly with my dog Lulu several times a year. You have to call the airline and ensure that you are on an aircraft with sufficient room for the carrier. You PAY for a ticket for the dog to travel and don’t be a cunt and put the animal on one of those fake service dog vests for a free ride. You let the

I’ve seen upholstery covered in plastic. But the dining room table? Explain please.

I can’t stop looking at it. That is what I pictured my alter ego Disney princess Tiara living in when I was six.

The pink flamingos made a break for it!

Those are legos. The house is as fake as everything else that the Guidice’s have.

I’d dig up the entire lawn! Just imagine the possibilities. Bodies. Ill gotten gains parlayed into gold chains. More of Tre’s secret recipeez. Beautiful jewelreez.

Andy C always imposes the most stringent rules of proper conduct and no violence on his HW cast. What could happen? This will be a damned trainwreck and a million people will tune in.

He better not!


I thought that the red coloring was from beets. ?