
Knowing this is going to be a hit at the box office, does this movie signal the start of the NWA cinematic universe?

The mayor's son killed his father and took over as mayor.

I think of a lot of that is owed to Colin Farrell and his performance who brought a weird childlike quality to Ray's general human interaction. Kind of always confused and unable to process complex emotions.

At first I remember watching Mad Men and not loving Vincent Kartheiser's portrayal of Pete because it felt too much like a sketch of someone from that time period. And then I realized that's exactly how he was playing it.

Nope. What actually great dramas do you know that have just coasted on telling the same story again and again? Shows that were great in their first season get equal backlash for being bad in their second (see: Homeland). David Simon completely changed the story of The Wire for season 2. Lost went from full survivor

This is a really minor quibble, but…I'd really like to see Winter's name in headlines about this show. I don't see Mick Jagger writing any scripts, you know?

What do you think this is? The Dah-pawted?

It has the same sort of tune as "Not Crying" from Flight of the Conchords and I'm not complaining about that.

To be fair though, the makers of the film don't control the marketing. And it's easier to sell: "here's a film about one of the greatest American writers of all time" vs. "here's a film about a Rolling Stone journalist you've never heard of"

I like Kenny a lot and I respect his opinion and view but it is exactly that. I don't know much about David Foster Wallace but I'm an educated enough film viewer to not come out of it and think that this perfectly represents the man just like I didn't come out of Captain Philips thinking that the real guy was exactly

"remember that time dad bought a gun and pointed it at someone for hours!"

For Our Consideration: Is Jason Sudeikis Hot?

I shouldn't get too much into the actions of a fictional character, but Clark did skinny dip with her which I'd put up there as pretty fucked up.

You're a Fangelo, too?

Ed Helms is a character actor being shoehorned into roles as a mainstream leading man. And he just isn't that at all.

I feel like that mean-spiritedness of 80s films hasn't aged well for me though. I saw Vacation as a kid and loved it, but now when I watch it I'm like, "Holy shit, he's been trying to cheat on his wife for this whole film. The movie should've ended with the family ditching Clark at the hotel when they found him skinny

I feel like that mean-spiritedness of 80s films hasn't aged well for me though. I saw Vacation as a kid and loved it, but now when I watch it I'm like, "Holy shit, he's been trying to cheat on his wife for this whole film. The movie should've ended with the family ditching Clark at the hotel when they found him skinny

Ed Helms and Jason Sudeikis are pretty much interchangeable in my mind at this point.

I think you just answered your own question.

"Frank. Frank. Frank." - Nic Pizzolatto