
Your point being? Humans have been attributing catastrophes to gods since the dawn of time. There were gods of thunder, of storms, of wind, of famine, of war, etc. If anything, you are only adding to the argument.

Definitely not cubs. They're lionesses who would tear you apart.

Funny stuff, but don't you think it's a bit obnoxious to rail on people just because they're religious?

I support this message.

As a Fresno resident, that was my immediate thought as well. One summer day, hell even a spring or fall day here and bye bye fishies.

I'd probably crap myself and the whole slide before, during and after the first attempt. Never mind if successful or not. I'd shit all the way down. Jesus, how insanely insane you have to be to enjoy it... :)

1) picture of Iphone

roger moore wants his rendering skills back

I know, right? They Navy really had their shit together back in the 40s

or engines...

I'm shocked it made it that far, seeing how it doesn't even have wings.

one better

It never fails to amaze me how ignorant people can be. It seems people who's minds are so small they can't accept people's beliefs that this has been designed. If everyone was as ignorant as the people who refuse to accept theism, then we would humanity be in society? We would never have made any scientific

At least Bugs won't need to get the saw out if all the ice melted.

Ain't got time for that shit.

its not that it can't be done, it's that Google won't do it because it would have a far larger negative impact on battery life...particularly if you want it to work while the phone is asleep. With the 800 and x8, you have a single low power core running all the time listening, if you do it with purely software, the

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Pictured: the photographer exiting his contraption.

But what if those watches can replace your phone?

Isn't it ironic that we have seen all of these dystopian nightmares like Terminator, Minority Report, which never predict a happy future. Yet we gleefully march right towards those futures with bated breath.