
I absolutely HATE when they record video of something then suddenly drop the camera down as they run away. Then they go on to say something like:

Depth of caves = 8.346 miles

Could I stream media in my PC to my TV with this? If not then BLAH!

Chuck Norris is playing finger football.

GOD HELP US ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I feel very uncomfortable that a conclusive decision was made when:

So you like them now that they agree with you? That's very open minded of you.

This person knows their stuff.


I am the operator, of my pocket calculator

According to the chart, looks like the height of the occupied space is about the same as the Burj Kalifa and the rest of the height is just a really tall pole. Can't they just borrow elevator tech from the other building and call it a day.

Ok so, now how can we actually use it for human benefit?

If this were true then all Gamestop needs to do is re write this section of their TOS then POOF, money = GONE!

Why does everything in Texas have to have a name?

It's somewhat an inconvenience having multiple chargers for multiple devices but is it really a problem where the government has to intervene? I'm hoping the USA would have more important things to take care of in it's agenda.

It's not like they are searching from Japan to Hawaii to Los Angeles. They have a pretty good idea as to where it may be according to where they lost communication plus other data. The real problem is going as deep as the ocean floor to possibly finding debris.

True. One thing that is lost is fidelity (you know, that thing that Neil Young is trying to sell us for $400). I highly doubt that this digital to vinyl converter could re-capture that although I consider this as an experiment and am very curious to hear audio off one of these LP thingys.

Oh yeah, that's the year I gave up hope on watching the Oscars!

Drones have delivered pizza, Amazon DVD's and now babes. Notice a pattern here?!