
Love the photo!

It's all about business, perhaps Samsung's bean counters figures that subsidizing development costs with Apple for the 64-bit ARM architecture would make more sense. Also, if there were bugs in it, it will be on Apple's reputation.

...but what if I'm a Ramen and Spaghetti-Ohs type of guy?

O I C, maybe why service is MUCH better post merger. Not the best mind you but still much better.

I didn't switch carriers, the carrier switched me.

Between phones, the outer casing can make a difference in regard to shock absorption.

Wow. I just realized how bad the plastic case looks on the 5C.

Wow, after reading through all the comments I am amazed there is not 1 Steve Jobs reference. Anywhere.

thanks for that mind picture of your brown ass... can they do that to my moped, please?

Well if you ingest mushrooms even your desk lamp will seem super huge.

Well have these people though how much easier it would be to hijack the phone WITHOUT having the fingerprint scanner in the first place?

If THIS would be available on AT&T and with 64gb storage then I would have bought one like yesterday totally...but NOPE!

If I was feeling suicidal and I needed help, Facebook is the LAST place I'd go...

I'm glad I picked up 8 for $40 because $120 is WAY too much for this glitchy ass OS

check out the super detailed version on Google Earth. I can see the lifeboats from here:

You will now have a tan in the size and shape of a quarter on your wrist.

What will be mind boggling is seeing the facility that will house it.

At least you're not the one who's depressed about using Wayne's World references.

It's a pretty good sized boat: