I think there’s absolutely no need to label a woman a “slut” for appearing in a photo. Or really for any other reason.
I think there’s absolutely no need to label a woman a “slut” for appearing in a photo. Or really for any other reason.
That’s why they ask Jesus to take the wheel
Who needs a 500hp truck? EVERYONE
Because some people like trucks.
Nope its beer, I’m sure of it. Meth the truck and engine would probably just be a flaming wreck.
I went written and appreciative note couldn’t hurt. Make sure you tell him how awesome Jalopnik is... we could be her/his friend!
...said no real jalop ever
Here Is my stock sr20 180sx. Just got it from japan and loving it. Exhaust is rusted out so I’m replacing that but that’s it. Just replacing some gaskets and seals that are leaking.
Its a shame that finding a 240 in factory condition is so hard anymore. Good looking cars I think.
...you ok buddy? wanna meet at the local bar and talk about the good times?
I don’t have a problem with them being in the road, provided they also follow the traffic laws. They say that by law they can take the entire lane, but then they defend breaking the law when they want to.
don’t like this reasoning. how does the fact that the driver used the system wrong equate to there being some fault of the system? I crashed because I didn’t brake hard enough. but the car should’ve had better brakes so it’s partly at fault?
If that is a question for me to have to think about then it likely wouldn’t have been my first beer, or second, or third...
“It was unopened to the best of my knowledge, because I was blacked out drunk” Gardner said in an interview Friday.
maybe, and likely. but that’s for the insurance company to decide, not this asshole.
I’d say by the before pic with it half buried in sand and salt water that the car was already a total loss before it was run over by a truck.
I don’t take his comment as sexist at all. It sounds more like that if someone doesn’t agree with you then it’s sexist/racist/or you fill in the blank.