
yeah... but then he tucked tail and ran... no bragging rights earned here

Good for FCA for trying to crack down on these terrible dealership practices. Porsche could learn a thing or two.

Any bigger and Matthew McConaughey is going to need a CDL

So much torque...the chassis...twisted...coming off the line.

6.2 SRT shit. This will decimate all, after you put about ten grand into it, if we have to, overnight parts from De-troit.

If I had “screw you” money I would 100% buy this but since I have “I’m screwed” money right now I can’t justify it.

If your only chance of scoring is hitting the catcher so hard he drops the ball it probably isn’t a clean baseball play

Only three? Child’s play.

New ad: “I’m super gorgeous, a 10/10, but I also have herpes. Love, Giulia”

Tone down the rice

England: tyres
America: tires

“One passenger, who was distressed by what he saw, told the Star Tribune that Hines was naked from the waist down when she was removed from the plane and that emergency workers should have covered her up”

Comment checks out.

I mean this in the nicest way possible...

$20 to park?

OK Mr. MoneyBags

And here I get mad when I have to pay $20 to park somewhere

Surprisingly tepid review. Really don’t get a sense of joy or excitement out of it. Case of “don’t meet your heroes” maybe?

Stupid never sleeps.

Hey Subaru what does "tS" stand for?
Subaru- Oh you wanted more power? "tough Shit"