
Tried explaining to your friends why you bought a Bolt instead of a GTI.

Me too. Well my grandparents didn’t live there but close to it. Place was absolutely enormous. I would watch the houses being built and thing the build quality was horrendous. This was in 2006-2007.

That’s a punishment worse than death.

Biker right driver of the car wrong. Don’t you know you need to bow down to our motorcycle overlords.

Yeah!! ‘Murica!!

I don’t care about efficiency. How do these things flow?

This is the worlds smallest violin and I’m playing My Heart Bleeds for You.

Agreed. I have no idea. I’ve always wondered myself.

Motoring Through Anything.

Lol traffic is going to have to wait? Traffic like the KGB will wait for no one.

Imagine having to explain why you spent $12000 on a Labaron. Then trying to explain why it’s not a Labaron. Too much explaining.

Those wheels are trippy as hell.

My 65 Mustang stalled out at a light. The worst part was a guy driving a Camaro helped me push it into a parking lot. Nah he was really cool and didn’t give me any shit about my Ford.

I agree. This has no place in schools.

I did actually. I test drove one a few years ago. I loved it. My wife not so much. It may have had something to do with the fact that she was crammed in the backseat the whole test drive. I ended up buying a 13 Mazdaspeed3. She saw 4 door hatchback. It’s pretty obvious why I liked it. That was almost 3 years ago and I

I’ll vote NP if I can confirm the Flux Capacitor is in working order.

CP. The slush box does it for me. It’s like Gal Gadot offering to have sex with you just to find out she’s on her period. Yeah you could do it but it’ll be gross and not as good as it could have been.

I agree. A big wing like that looks stupid on a hatch.

Or Mazdaspeed3. Of course you can’t buy one new anymore.

True. I would rather live in modern times and get to enjoy the old tech from yesteryear.