"She paid rent, and she was there probably three times."
"She paid rent, and she was there probably three times."
Even IF everything happened the way Morello said it did, he didn't have to be so petty as to take to Twitter to ask people to basically boycott and bad-mouth one privately-owned small business based on interaction with only ONE of its employees. That's really fucking immature, Tom. When I sing along to RATM, this…
As a long time patron of the 5 Point, people leaving doesn't necessarily mean there is available seating, especially for a party of 6.
I have never had staff be assholio there either. That said, despite Seattle's nicey-nice image it is by our indifference to your coolness that you will know we are hot shit.
It's a…
Yeah, but Girl Scouts are far more inclusive of LGBT and non-religious kids and adults.
Girl Scout troops are very much a product of their leaders. Mine was all camping and survival.
A part of me hoped against hope that they would maybe be a multi ethnic group of friends rather than a real estate stock photo.
omg I also wanted the hedgehog joke.
I went back and read the scene recently because I wasn't sure what people were talking about when they referred to Jamie raping her. I read the book for the first time at 15 and the non-consensual aspects of it kind of went over my head. In the scene, Jamie and Claire fight and he starts to take her to bed. She…
To be fair, he did have a gun to his head. I think the fact that Scotland is essentially occupied by a hostile army (and the local troops in particular are led by a madman) puts everybody in a position where their options and recourse are limited.
Spanking is beating. And not all women were treated that way, especially when the author presents Jamie as more modern than the other women. She can't sit for a few days because of it. It's a beating. If someone did that today, it would be a beating. It's not like every husband beat his wife back then.
HAHA PEE OUT THEIR BUTTS. WHAT AN IDIOT. Everyone knows girls don't pee or poop. This guy needs to get a clue.
But one that has relatively little to do with this post. While it's incredibly brave and edgy to pan 'Twilight' in 2014 (FI-nally someone dares!) I thought this piece was actually about racist tweets.
Like they say, the way to a man's heart is through racist attacks on his current girlfriend. Ro-mance.
It's not a no brainer for everyone.
Letter Writer #2:
The second writers boyfriend needs to gtfo asap. For real. Just because you aren't formally employed does not mean you're lazy or anything negative. Has he never heard of a live-in care aid? Because that's basically what you are when you're caring for someone like that. Christ. What a douche.
I'm a Washington native and a life-long relatively die hard Washington fan, and these people are the dumbest of the fucking dumbest. There is an odd, nostalgic part of me that will feel the loss of something from my childhood (when I was a kid, I thought the name had to do with the color of the football, actually),…
Man, if everybody keeps unfairly defaming Redskins Fans like this, people are going to be embarrassed to call themselves Redskins Fans! Just the term Redskins Fan will become so offensive it becomes a slur, and no one will ever want to be called a Redskin Fan. They may even have to change the team's name to avoid…