
Even if I were to give those shitty arguments any validity, I'd still have to consider the fact that my boyfriend was likely using someone else and toying with someone else's feelings in order to do this. That right there would make me lose a lot of respect for him.

IDK. I hate romcoms. They romanticize creepy or annoying behavior. I had a guy I was with for four years try and get me to take me back with the same rhetoric in emails, texts, and phone messages (thank GOD not a website) and I didn't eat it up. I got really pissy and was thinking to myself: "Bro I specifically told

This. She's a slut and he's some sort of freaking stud. She's unemployable while he's running a foundation and getting speaking gigs. The purity fairy only visits dudes.

This fucking asshat needs to date Eron Gjoni. They deserve each other.

The thing is, I think a lot of people are piling on to the person who didn't have the authority or expertise in this area. The hospital didn't have protocols. They sent the guy home at first, didn't have protective gear, and had the nurses work with other patients. I can't blame her for thinking it probably wasn't a

"So Vinson didn't know she was definitively ill when she headed to Cleveland, nor did she know for sure that there was a problem when she was given the go-ahead from the CDC. Fine. But she knew she was at risk of contracting Ebola from the second she first laid eyes on Duncan, and as a medical professional she knew

Really, to anybody. My former male supervisor would have given her a pass because holy boundary violations. Work wife? ORLY?

Yeah, they complain that the people on the other side—basically, anyone outside of gamergate who has been threatened and harassed—isn't talking with them. Excuse me, why the fuck should anyone dialogue with the very people who are sending them death and rape threats? Like I want to have a sit down over tea and scones

But this is about journalistic ethics. Somehow. Even though most gators are ranting about SJW's and Zoe Quinn and Sarkeesian and #notallgamers.

She may not be willing to take that risk. And she may not be willing to put the attendees at that kind of risk, even if it didn't bother her.

So fucking what? You said that when you are 16, you are not a minor. That is not true. In every single state in the US and in the UK, you are considered to be a minor when you are 16 years old. You can consent to sex with age cohorts within a few years. But you cannot vote, you cannot drink, you are still living

Yeah, I just wouldn't do that to a friend of mine.

I didn't get the impression that these friends were saying "Ugh, they were on Twitter, I was so pissed" or "They ended up in my Twitter feed, I thought you should know, what can I do to help?" It sounds like they told her "Oh, yeah of course I looked, lol!" or "Yeah, I went to the /fappening it's nbd, Jen."

Don't go making assertions that are flat out false to try and prove your case. In *every* state 16-year-olds are minors. You are not considered a legal adult until you are 18 years old. People under the age of 18 cannot vote. They cannot live on their own. They are not considered to be adults under the law (and in

Yeah okay. I'll sleep just fine tonight. Toodles!

I think if someone saw them on Twitter, it's one thing. Some assholes were posting them there (and then getting reported for it). If you are looking through a tag and those came up, it's not like you were seeking them out. It would be akin to plastering copies of someone's photographs on building walls outside—people

Is that your idea of a joke? Because it isn't funny.

This was very likely taken before the photos were stolen and disseminated.

This was done without her consent. It absolutely is sexual assault, IMO.

If someone I knew did that to me, I'd shank them.