
@ReelMissing: May this inadvertent hash tag live on forever...

@kcmail32: Or opening for Jan & Dean at the State Fair?

@hortense: Looking at these guys, I shudder to think of what Keith would look like today if he had lived. He went from looking like a perpetual teenager to the oldest 32 year old on earth within the span of about a year and a half.

@Zombie Ms. Skittles: I see your "might be time" and raise you a "thirty years past the time."

@wiccanhot: Yeah... but cotton would cost a fortune...

@cool_as_KimDeal: I think the real issue here is that there's not much cash to be made skiing. But if she becomes a recognizable face along with a gold medal skier, she can maybe get lucky and shill McDonald's for a few months and make some money.

@amgriffin: Look up the A.J. Kitt cover from about a twenty years ago. Male skier. Same exact pose. Of course, in his case the helmet is on and he's not smiling at the camera. Though, to be fair, obviously they're trying to make this woman a star and I'm sure it's good for endorsements if her face gets known.

@Marla Singer: To be fair, Wes has also been copying the same characters over and over for awhile now.

@PaigeTurner: Duhhh... they cover non whites in the crime section. You're just not looking hard enough!

@hotpinklovesofa: Either all your friends are stupendously rich or you haven't spent much time in Los Angeles. Ha!

@dandelionbrowne: Haha... nah, they rarely get it right. The wikipedia page compiling the history of "Song Of The Year" winners is too hilarious to even read in its entirety. Granted, they usually try to nominate something of some sort of value, and then give the award to whatever sold the most copies that year.


@pantsless economist...access RESTORED: Dude. The Grammy for "Song Of The Year" once went to "Don't Worry, Be Happy." That says it all. Say what you want about how the Oscars or Emmys or Tonys always get it wrong... but those awards shows look incredible next to the Grammys.

@Jenloveshercurves: Eh. They're not that wrong. It's a big world and a numbers game. There are going to be millions of women who watch it, but it's all about the percentages and knowing when they're watching.


@TheFormerJuneBronson: Totally right. It does become generative. Essentially this is demographic eugenics. Spike wants to be able to tell their advertisers that they have a perfect audience of nothing but 18-34 men. You won't be wasting a single advertising dollar on women's eyeballs and you don't have to worry about