
@nyc-caribbean-ragazza: Even more than to bump up ratings for the broadcast, it's a scheme for the studios to make more money being able to hype five extra flicks as best picture nominees.

@sensitivitycop: I would probably agree with you if those were the only two movies I was choosing between.

@viviangrrrl: That's amazing. Oddly enough, I used to work for Peter Stormare, the actor who delivered that line in Fargo, and I used to repeat it to him ad nauseam. Really nice guy... never put me in a wood chipper or anything.

Why do people still think it was Tara Reid who's body was deformed? It wasn't actually HER toe... it was Aimee Mann's! Man I'd like some pancakes.

@cellydevil: No, my point is I have no idea what happened. And I don't tend to out of hand believe tabloids or every word these girls say. I don't know that he didn't use protection. I have no idea. That's my point.

@marypoppinpills: I disagree. The media is just trying to make money. And Tiger-drama 09 sells a lot more magazines (and in the case of the gawker network, a lot more page views) than "important" stories.

@cellydevil: Great investigative work! Or maybe he went to medical school for awhile and learned how to do abortions himself. Or maybe he's also a secret magical wizard and has the power to do away with the unborn with the blink of his eyes! Yeah, that's probably it!

@MomoMcgee: "Holly Sampson IS The Pie Of The Tiger"

@raincoaster: Haha... fair enough, and I hardly want to argue over the reemergence of "douchebag," but middle america didn't learn of it from gawker. They learned it when some asshole in Los Angeles wrote it in a script for Chuck Sheen to say in 2 1/2 Men or something along those lines.

@raincoaster: Ehh... gawker did what gawker always does. Co-opted slang that was being used widely, and then a couple months later declared it dead and mocked their readers. Gawker didn't start the revolution, but their appropriation of it did signal the death.

@tehcutie: See... the place is called Restoration Hardware but he noticed that "restoration" sounds a bit like "reparations" and then he turned it into a hilarious black joke.

@euterpe35: Forget girls... Iggy and I, Lou Reed, are perfectly happy on our own...

@SchmoopieVonButtercup: Do you remember when they first started opening northern California stores and they would always have this guy who had been one of the original employees come in and work the dining room for the first few weeks? Genius PR... I think it resulted in a newspaper story for each store they opened

@ElleL: Wow. That's commitment. Yeah... aside from a few exceptions (and the really old original stores here in Los Angeles), they literally just use the exact same plans for the vast majority of the restaurants. That exact view could be had in almost any In & Out.

@ElleL: It took me a second to realize you're basing that on the tag at the bottom, as virtually every In & Out looks precisely like that... haha

@LegalCookie: Different strokes (as it were) for different folks. Maybe if you had more interest in penises you and your wife could share a lovely time at a male strip club and then rush home, ready to go and thankfully prepped enough to be able to skip foreplay.

@morninggloria: I just think it's cute that him and the wife look so alike you can only tell them apart by the bow in her hair.

Man... if foreplay is already too much work I'd guess you've got some issues going to work out before introducing strip clubs into your relationship.