
@MalinaMango: You're being a bad scientist though. Sure, catfish anatomy is important, but it's only half the story. You've done ZERO research on the cleaning habits of catfish, which also needed to be factored into your end decision. Please report back your findings.

@Lymed: What for? Supporting American Apparel?

This is quite an interesting post to follow up the previous with...

@Penny: Me too. Sounded like a typical Saturday night until the last two words, but now I'm sold.

@odinsraven: Yeah... and even with their lesser pics I think Disney has a pretty good track record at doing quality animation. Sure, I don't think Lasseter is just given free reign to make any film he likes, but when production is rolling he is the top creative for Disney-Pixar, and he also has a pretty solid track

@odinsraven: But when it comes to animation, aren't Catmull and Lasseter actually running Disney-Pixar animation. Lasseter is really creatively running both animation departments and pushed for 2D to be continued.

@Kitty: I want this film to be successful for the same reason. I don't hate 3D animation, in many cases I adore it... but I really don't want 2D to disappear altogether. For any flaws Disney films often have, they've very rarely churned out bad animation in their big films. Here's to Pixar for bringing 2D back to life

I seem to remember the RAZR both shattering the earth and being used a Chinese throwing star. Destroying a banana seems like a step backwards, no?

@sayah: Just search google image for "Mr. Clean" and you should be set.

@hortense: Are you saving "Handsome Fur" for another time?

@MyNameIsChris: I guess I should say "they're" not "we're" as I hardly imagine I qualify for Docker's Real Man™ status... judging by my disinterest in khakis, dietary habits and the fact that I've yet again wandered away from Gawker to post on a website for "celebrity, sex, fashion for women."

@TheFormerJuneBronson: The trouble being when real men are hanging out at home eating bacon, we're usually not wearing pants anyway.

@JoStockton: Nobody's losing sight of the original story or turning it into something else. It's simply a conversation... not the end of the world.

@Penny: Yeah, I've freaked out too when even being near guns. Unloaded. I still can't deal with them. Also, I apologize, somehow I mostly jumped in at your second comment which seems a bit more abolitionist in tone, and missed your previous comment about just wanting tighter regulation. I also tend to find that most

@Penny: Totally true. And I'm all for plenty of gun control... and guns irrationally (or rationally) freak me out. But I just don't think, ultimately, you can shove pandora back into a box. It's chicken and egg... but it just seems to me like focusing on guns as being the problem (while worthy) is treating the

@Penny: And the guns used in those crimes are disproportionately illegally owned anyway.

@TimFritz: Wow... I totally took your original comment as being a joke about "Tar-jay"

@greeneyedfem: Because they all learned "real Wall Street English!"

@fembot111: I think there's just a really strong headwind....

@greeneyedfem: I'm from California, but my wife is from Detroit... so I spend every Thanksgiving as a voyeur into the misery that is being a Lion fan. It seems like a mild form of sadomasochism...