
@Superrrdupa: Also works with "Are the Lions the team that is losing?"

@nothanks: What you feel is surely correct.

@History Major: Wait... what is it that we KNOW Rihanna did to make her no saint?

@otterpops: Yeah, that scares me across the board... including the same look when directed at our current president. I don't mean this as bait, I'm generally for Obama despite a few letdowns... but the blind adoration scares the fuck out of me with any of these people.

@dangerslut: It's just a sliding scale of power a spokesperson can have with the public and things can tarnish it. Your example of MJ is good, but even better is Kobe Bryant who absolutely killed his endorsement career and then miraculously recovered by handling the media well over the course of a couple years. Tiger

@Uju: The problem is, TIger's real career is being a spokesperson. And he would obviously like to continue to make billions of dollars off of that career. He doesn't need to apologize to us. But he needs to spin the situation in a way that allows him to still go out and put on a smiley beloved face and shill crap.

Ahhhh... THERE'S the culprit...

@chinaplate: ————————————


@winner: On a related note... I originally saw City Of God at a very late showing shortly after it opened. I was with a friend and the theatre was completely empty until shortly before it began, at which point Kirsten Dunst and a friend walked in and sat literally directly to my right. Then she proceeded to talk back

@winner: Nope, but since we have an ongoing film dialogue happening today I might rent it on the way home or at least I'll add it to netflix.

@Casquivana: Yeah. What you said with the fancy words.

Stupid stupid stupid marriage means I'm actually not breaking any of these guy's rules. Oh how I long to rebel!

@Ailatan: Seen it... in my opinion it's solid but nothing all so memorable or amazing. Great cinematography, wardrobe and pacing though... as you would expect from her.

@winner: Ha! Good point... there's really only one film on there that I would probably certainly take on my top ten of the decade.

@Casquivana: I love Murray as well but I think that movie is almost entirely about the pacing, which Coppola totally nailed. Especially since you don't see movies with that languid pacing coming out of Hollywood all too regularly anymore.