
Yeah, this is sad as usual... it did make me just notice that Jane Campion really didn't do much this decade.

@curiousgeorgiana: A bottle of wine and Irreversible. Easily the worst idea for a date ever.

@itsonreserve: Yeah totally... I think it goes without saying at a pure skill level the best females can be comparable to the males. It's just a matter of the physical nature of a sport like basketball.

Are there any physical contact sports that have had mixed gender play? Just curious...

@Tchotchke: You raise a good point... I always go for the cool bohemian vibe... laid back and natural... So she's got all that.

@Tchotchke: She's completely not my type at all, and yet I'm shockingly attracted to her. It makes watching Californication with my wife much more entertaining than just laughing at her cooing over Duchovny. Also, something about her voice and the way she speaks just kills me.

@winner: Ha! Yeah... I actually really agree with you. I will deal with a lot of crap if it's beautifully shot and edited. I'm a sucker for visuals. Granted, if somebody combines great visuals, editing AND story/performances I'm thrilled. Right now usually it's Cuarón or Paul Thomas Anderson I look forward to.

@winner: "The New World" doesn't really work for me either, but again, I enjoy looking at it. Toll has done good work, but nothing (in my opinion) that approaches "The Thin Red Line." So I think a good chunk of the credit has to go to Malick for knowing and getting what he wanted. Lubezki, on the other hand, is a

@Understater: Eek... nevermind... it's BRILLIANT!!!!

@winner: As much as I always want to love The Thin Red Line, the only thing terribly graceful about it are Mallick's camera moves and the cinematography in general...

@Understater: I'm actually with you... I think "Precious" has tons of flaws and I thought "Dreamgirls" was fucking awful. However, it's not like NBR picked ten amazing perfect films. They LOVE "Up In The Air" which (while more slickly shot and put together) is ultimately just as hamfisted and forced as "Precious."

I know this isn't A+ snark or anything... and probably fairly old fashioned... and I really can't stand most republicans (or Palin in particular) in the first place... but it really bums me out that somebody who actually ran for the second highest office in this country uses "2" in place of "too." Ever. Anywhere. Even

@Ulookinatmyjunk, JOC: I think I was mostly just crying for big women in general... I would say, ironically, I could name far more big black (of varying shades) women in film than big white women. Not that's it not for fucked up reasons... just that the big black sassy stereotype is continually reused. Or maybe Kathy

@Fenchurch: The only solution is for you to go have sex with 10,000 more men! Make a documentary out of it a la Super Size Me.

@scottt3: Yeah... the big white women dominate everything...