@alouette: Ha... yeah... I could see how that could be a bit jarring...
@alouette: Ha... yeah... I could see how that could be a bit jarring...
@keyamarie: Or kind of like a rich person's equivalent of bashing a car window in with a golf club?
@randomslut: It's not often enough that I meet a random slut who apologizes for being a bit old fashioned....
@lpiro: Totally... he should also warn upcoming actors against starring in films like "Hearts Of Fire" though...
It's bad enough that women keep cheating on their mops with Swiffers... now they're spending all their time on laundry too?!?!
@sarah.of.a.lesser.god (aka Mrs. BrutallyHonestHobbit): Great quote, but it's so much better with penis.
I would love to see some Ron Burgandy in Simon Cowell...
@immaculate.gaenor: I don't know... I think the mid phrase thing is always pretty fucking hilariously goofy, here included.
@bohogurl: Yeah. I think that's probably the safest bet. I'm with you... nobody is owed anything. But he's not exactly owed privacy either. It's a two way street.
@bohogurl: The public feels entitled because they've been trained to feel so. Spokespeople foster a faux relationship with the public in order to move product. Really, I don't care about the infidelities either... I mean, I think it's fairly scummy, but whatever. I'm more interested in this preposterous car crash…
@bohogurl: But you KNOW something is a public matter when even people who think it shouldn't be are vehemently debating it in public... it's unavoidable. He makes money shilling any crap people want him to sell... and that's based on his talents and persona. If you're willing to be a public figure and put yourself out…
@ILikeToLevelUp: Yep... the public doesn't have a right to know. But there's also really not such a thing as a "right to privacy" either.
@L'Chaim!: I'm with you. That's all I can focus on. Having never watched golf, (except on a few occasions when I used it as an ambien replacement) is this a regular occurrence?
@mordicai: True, cheater frenzies are always fun. But so are car crashes. I remember the media/public going crazy for Billy Joel smacking into a tree and I'm pretty sure he wasn't even famous anymore at the time. AND that was before TMZ and five million gossip blogs "reporting" around the clock.
@LadyBossyBoots: He's obviously just a douchebag. But, to be fair, he can occasionally be somewhat funny and he uses that humor to do some self deprecating act to take the edge off. Doesn't change what he really is though.
@mordicai: Weird. OK... So while I'm sure there are countless racists who were pissed at a black guy for golfing well, I'm not sure how that applies here... are you saying that the media interest in this story is fueled by racism? Your link is tenuous at best...
@mordicai: Wait... you think this is a race thing?
@mordicai: Clearly not by a page view standard. Or by a public interest standard...
@prismatism: I got no complaints. At least it's entertaining.
@karmasutra är svensk: As a Norwegian I know exactly how awful you would smell.