Hmmm.... my natural inclination wouldn't be to link the word "thought" with this couple... #parishilton
Hmmm.... my natural inclination wouldn't be to link the word "thought" with this couple... #parishilton
I find it hard to believe any 28 year old male with a somewhat normal (whatever that is) amount of experience in life has never seen pubic hair. This whole thing is a sham or there is something off about this guy's story. #advice
@MrsAbraxas: Probing eh? Hmmmm
Well... Obviously this guy is a tool. And not all dudes are 12 year olds. Blah blah blah.
@LaComtesse: Ha! Though really he died in battle. One imagines she won't be stopping to take on an army of natives, armed only with a pink bow and arrows. #jessicawatson
Well... even a broken clock is right twice a day. Obviously HRC IS a reptilian humanoid. But what he misses is that EVERYBODY in the new world ruling class is as well. He needs to listen to more Art Bell. #richardheene
Speaking of... the use of this line in Zombieland totally killed me. #gettypic
Did they purchase this from Rocky? #robots
@Flackette Goes Retro: You've seen "Parenthood" too, huh? #balloonboybarfs
Jeez... they're still letting nerdy white guys marry cute Japanese girls, right? #interracialmarriageinlouisiana
@BrutallyHonestBabes (aka Mrs. Sarah.of.a.Lesser.Hobbit): Wha?!!?!? They do all the time... like when they protect the sanctity of marriage or try to stop people from drinking on Sundays! #tuxedoyearbookpicture
@Island of Misfit Toys: I think you're likely right about the first... but the final show of the season (at the moment) seems to be scheduled for November 8th.
@BlondeGoddess: And I thought HFCS was already reason enough...
@amazoncowgirl: Womb Chair... who wouldn't?!
But boys will make jokes about Bloom in two coats.
@Lola del Rio: I'm with you. I've never been a part of any social networking site, aside from a private one a friend of mine built just for people we know. But... I've been tempted as everybody I work with are constantly playing Scrabble on facebook. It's killing me.
Julianne's performance on this cover certainly beats her slumming it in Next with Nic Cage.
I imagine this beats having it ruined by the cleaners the next day.
@Poubelle: And hopefully the last. Although if Tara Reid, Anna Nicole Smith and Asia Carrera can all claim Coen credits, then who knows...