
Hmmm.... my natural inclination wouldn't be to link the word "thought" with this couple... #parishilton

I find it hard to believe any 28 year old male with a somewhat normal (whatever that is) amount of experience in life has never seen pubic hair. This whole thing is a sham or there is something off about this guy's story. #advice

Well... Obviously this guy is a tool. And not all dudes are 12 year olds. Blah blah blah.

@LaComtesse: Ha! Though really he died in battle. One imagines she won't be stopping to take on an army of natives, armed only with a pink bow and arrows. #jessicawatson

Well... even a broken clock is right twice a day. Obviously HRC IS a reptilian humanoid. But what he misses is that EVERYBODY in the new world ruling class is as well. He needs to listen to more Art Bell. #richardheene

@BytheSea: I certainly don't think you can base what guys like on porn. Anyway, I've known plenty of straight dudes in my life and I've learned you can NEVER tell what any of them might find attractive. Which is why it's nice women come in all shapes, sizes, colors etc... #fashion

Speaking of... the use of this line in Zombieland totally killed me. #gettypic

Did they purchase this from Rocky? #robots

@Island of Misfit Toys: I think you're likely right about the first... but the final show of the season (at the moment) seems to be scheduled for November 8th.

@BlondeGoddess: And I thought HFCS was already reason enough...

But boys will make jokes about Bloom in two coats.

@Lola del Rio: I'm with you. I've never been a part of any social networking site, aside from a private one a friend of mine built just for people we know. But... I've been tempted as everybody I work with are constantly playing Scrabble on facebook. It's killing me.

Julianne's performance on this cover certainly beats her slumming it in Next with Nic Cage.

I imagine this beats having it ruined by the cleaners the next day.

@Poubelle: And hopefully the last. Although if Tara Reid, Anna Nicole Smith and Asia Carrera can all claim Coen credits, then who knows...