@Kakapo: HA!
@Kakapo: HA!
@kookla: Well I'd tune in if they had anorexic twins getting triple z implants... but not either on their own.
I love how the benign techno lite muzak finally gives up after a minute and everything goes silent... then somebody decides that's far too awkward and throws another shitty cue on... one from the "dramatic" folder.
Amazing caption.
@KATE!: I think that's a good point. I grew up watching Politically Incorrect too, so I'm in the same boat. I find him entertaining, frequently funny and I like that's he's somewhat of an ultra lib who's willing to attack them when they do stupid shit. I find that honorable and lacking in far too many partisan people.
@KATE!: I wasn't wanting to get into a argument about auteur theory. We could go in circles all days. Of course film IS possibly the most collaborative of mediums, but with most of the people cited here they are the end voice and the primary vision. Yes, Wes hires very talented art directors and costume designers.…
@Vulcan Has No Moon: I suppose they won't... but will the screenwriters or anybody else who has a piece of the picture? Or is it guilt by association... I'm confused.
@KATE!: Of course, several of the filmmakers we're talking a bout, Polanski, Scorsese, Wes Anderson, Aronofsky or Neil Jordan got there start (and arguably made some of their best films) far outside the Hollywood studio system. So does the point really hold?
@Highsmith: Unfortunately there's no standard "joke" about just like a man. I know, that's a whole other issue... I HAVE seen him make jokes equating arguments between (male) world leaders as competitions over who has the biggest dick or other standard issue things you'd say to explain a man's actions. Part of his…
@ides: Yeah... I don't have enough evidence either way to get into a debate about whether he dislikes women... I'm certain you can point to many things that show he does. Though I'm sure you could point to just as many that show he dislikes men just as much. I get the feeling he dislikes most people, in general...
@willwriteforfood: Yeah... I didn't see it but the recap here makes it seem like he just said that out of the blue. I read elsewhere that it was a "gag" where after he said it, the drummer from the band walked off in a huff... see... hilarious!
Worth noting you can now also add Maher to the group of celebrities who are vocally out against Polanski.
@JohnAgamemnon: Because Chinatown is one of the great films of all time, with one of the finest screenplays ever written. How is it fair to Robert Towne and everybody else who worked on it to write it out of history?
@prismatism: Yeah... apparently they have enacted a six month ban on any new dispensaries opening though. It sure does feel like pot is legal these days. I'm still worried about getting a license though... I've never got a straight answer on if and how it might affect things like health insurance or life insurance et…
@token_illiterate_commenter: Can not resist.
@kontrolle: Easier here in Los Angeles where there are currently more marijuana shops than Starbucks.
@keldo: If you were Polanski's sister or mother or sister or mother or sister or mother or sister or mother?
@peliroja: Well... I wouldn't defend the guy for his actions, but your argument really doesn't acknowledge the actual reasons he fled and the fact that he DID admit guilt. The running had more to do with the politics of the case itself.
@Ultraprison!: Yeah... he's already publicly commented that Dick Cook getting let go dampens his enthusiasm for making another.
@randomnessish: Well the age of consent in France is 15. Spain is 13, the youngest in Europe. In general the age of consent tends to be lower in European countries than in the US. Of course, that doesn't mean you don't have to abide by the laws of the country you're in - and certainly doesn't have anything to do with…