
@alula: (Spoiler, I suppose - so don't read) True. But I think it's going WAY far to say that audiences are assuming Sidibe actually has two kids by her father in real life. I think the point is people are assuming she's a girl from a poor background et al... More than anything I assume it's simply that they assume

@bess marvin, girl detective: Ughh... yeah. But a whole different can of worms. I'm with you, but I tend to also assume The Wire never won awards because people didn't watch it and it was good. I can't argue for or against Grey's Anatomy as I've never seen it. I tend to assume though that most people just think of

@ambitious: True... bad choice of wording and perhaps it's better to say you can get typecast from a single role that people most identify you with. However, this is also how people end up getting pigeonholed into the same role over and over again.

@Samanthrax: Yeah... I got the sarcasm. But I still think it's a valid point. Ehh... I think there's an element of truth to the race thing but I don't think it's the majority of the issue is all. I don't really know a good example of an unknown white actor playing a diva and everybody being shocked, but I'm sure

@MyNameIsChris: I'm sure mainstream white America also presumes Ellen Page is a snarky overly ironic indie chick who acts in films. Are they wrong?

@bess marvin, girl detective: But citing The Wire somewhat validates the initial poster. They purposefully went for unknown faces and actors who weren't very recognizable. In multiple cases they actually DID use street kids from Baltimore. This helped make the show feel very natural and realistic and was a great

@Samanthrax: Ha! That's essentially my point earlier... this is a role by an unknown is a very restrained and unshowy part. It's hard to separate her from the role because we essentially don't know much about her yet. Whereas everybody saw the "acting" and the obvious showiness of Theron playing "ugly" to get her

I'd say there are two factors at work.

@TartandSoul: Wait... nobody wants to watch a show about a shallow desperate nimrod trying to get laid? I'm pretty sure that's not true at all. I mean... several hit shows have used that format over the years including - to an extent - her previous hit show. Or the show it was accused of being a rip off of -

I don't know if I could possibly be more underwhelmed by the casting of The Runaways movie. I don't know if I can take watching Dakota Fanning spit out "Ch-ch-ch cherrryyy bomb!"

@msAnthrope: Yeah... but then again... it's hard to tell if his numbers are down when you're just looking at the faces of the lunatics who fully drank the kool aid. Don't get me wrong, I voted for the guy, and would never vote republican, but at times I really wish he would have some more of the hard nosed will of

@ihateyourescalade: Funny... I didn't even notice... My brain apparently just saw the intended phrase.

@LaComtesse: This can't be the best Robin Hood ever. Where's Errol Flynn?

@superconnected: Why is it EVER wrong to be happy when people do good things? Even if they are things you're supposed to do. What's the fucking harm?

@stoprobbers: Amazing. It seemed like the well dried up on fresh Beatles information... when I was a kid I would tear through book after book after book after book, but it seems like most things are now rehashed. The only truly unique thing that thrilled me recently was the RTB Recording The Beatles book that was put

@stoprobbers: You can do an actual thesis on the Beatles? I feel like I did that unintentionally.

@BellaTricks: There are 1-2 comments like this on every single post about anybody. There are nearly seven billion people on earth. Nobody is ever "the only person who..." blah blah blah blah.

@momentsofabsurdity: Unless they are far more genius then we're giving them credit for and they're manufacturing the marital strife in order to launch a spin off show about them patching things up!