
@mervbaby: You're correct. Wrestling is pretty much impossible to appreciate ironically. I tried a couple times in life, once after seeing Beyond The Mat and once again recently after watching The Wrestler - prompted by my wife wanting to see what wrestling is like. I don't think we made it fifteen minutes in. About

@leesie: Actually I think she has a film coming up. Which is good, assuming it can wash the taste of I Know Who Killed Me, a failed run on a tv show, and the Labor Pains embarrassment out of the public's collective mouth.

@Laura Enriquez: HRC: "No, you sit on that side. It's easier to talk without having to turn my head. I can see you better." Obama: "It's just... you're SUCH A SUPER LADY!!!"

@keldo: Something tells me they didn't have big plans.

@angelmusic11: Yeah. I wouldn't imagine he's losing much sleep over it, as this is nothing compared to him defending Scott Peterson.

@remedios: Look at the OTHER woman in black. The one with the bird attached to her skull.

@Eriu: Tolerance. The problem is separating whether this is good or bad in reality or theory. Sure, it a perfect utopia there would be so much thing. But thus far in human development, people tend to have opinions and beliefs about things. And being tolerant of people with opposing opinions and beliefs at least is a

@Merkin: Weird. This sounds like my relationship.

@bellzar08: What? No love for magical looms that relay information from the future?

@Rare Affinity: There's also a big difference between Langham and Townshend. Langham dowloaded child pornography. Townshend didn't. That's probably a pretty big reason one was found guilty and one was not even charged... regardless of whether or not they had the same defense.

@Rare Affinity: His actions were foolish. Sure. But your original post contains factually inaccurate statements that are inflammatory. He never accessed a single image of child porn, yet you're saying he did. He was cautioned by the police, yes... and ended up on the list. A more recent investigation in '07 seems to

@katie.scarlett.o'hara: I tend to agree about the money... especially with weddings that go way overboard. But at the end of the day the cash is still going to employing people and keeping (in many cases small) businesses running. I don't think it's really all that evil in the grand scheme of things. Though, I admit,

It's amazing how some people just trigger an instant "YES I WANT PLEASE" in my brain.

@whats_in_a_name: True! Although... you can never improve on Tommy James. The original is the only. It would be like preferring the awful 80's remake of I Think We're Alone Now.

I doubt anybody is paying attention this many pages in... but after perusing his site, is it even possible that it's for real? Has anybody figured out if this page is parody yet? Because parts of it are too funny for words.

Wow... so is this a reference to where the quote actually came from. And in that case, shouldn't it be the kid saying it as she beats the crap out of Katie? Awesome.