
@PersonalBest: Or... how long until there is a giant AA billboard across the street from my house with an underage girl wearing just strirups?

@chritter: Back and to the left...

@Sanfo: It's a pop culture/gossip/entertainment site... I'd say go with the flow or maybe it's not your thing...

@afiunderground: Haha... I missed the drama and I'm sure they were dicks... but that Moe thing over there was a seriously bad idea. It was torturous...

To be fair, I think part of the attraction of Stefan isn't just the makeover and deeper voice, it's simply that Urkel was REALLY annoying. Sure, people shouldn't have to be stylish and "cool" to be loved, but it would be hard for me to expect Laura to actually go for Urkel. I'd tear my hair out within hours. Now... I

@BlondeGoddess: Great. Nobody can say anything anymore without offending somebody. What a boring world. She goes out of her way saying that you can discover this about yourself in a different way, but for her it was giving birth. She doesn't say it makes you a better a woman, she simply said it changed her in a primal

@prestocaro, emissary of hell: Ha! I've really been bored by gawker trying to make a story out of that girl... but that phrase is classic.

@curglaff: Yeah... plus the joke would have made more sense if he was trying to AVOID Shymalan so as not to end up in one of his craptacular films.

@SaraRueful: Yeah... something tells me if you're really upset about being poked, you don't immediately return to that position he is in. Completely open, arms on the back of the couch and his entire body open to anybody. Makes no sense. It's obvious he was playing the situation for laughs, I suppose the only question

@SaraRueful: Yeah. Ha! I think he was kidding too but I don't know his sense of humor very well. Is he dry? That's pretty much the joke I'd make in that situation if I were him... though I see it can be a grey area.

@envirodesigner: It's a bit misleading to act as if it was a contest specifically between Gore and her. Many many people are nominated for the prize every year. The nominations come from a wide range of people who are asked to submit by the Nobel committee... these people can be referred to as Nobel Peace Prize

@Uncommon Whore: Yeah... I love pretty much all of his film work, including the occasional dream sequence he would do for other director's. I'm not obsessed with him, but I like the joke of it all. Also, his work translates horribly to book/print form. I have more respect for it when you see the real things up close

@illovich: Of course they use stupid metaphors! Those are the funniest ones... My all time favorite is the Levitra ad where the guy can't quite throw the football through the tire swing no matter how much he tries. His wife looks on with serious concern. But guess what? After a couple Levitra, he can get the job done!

@hovy: He can't act but Gone Baby Gone wasn't half bad...

@thePrototype: It's the era of constant outrage... what can you do? No matter what race the couple in this commercial are, somebody will be mad.

@CerebralMagpie: Oh c'mon... admit it would be AMAZING to see the Micro Machine Man rush through all the benefits of KY Intense™.

@bangers: I think from now on all commercials should just cast robots.

@msAnthrope: The performance to me sounds a bit uneven in her lower registers to me, making me think it's a live performance - or they did a good job of adding in a few flaws to make it more believable. As for the judges? Obviously you could be right... I just plead ignorance. Obviously the performers have been weeded