
@thegogglesdonothing: Ha! Love the Vertigo reference. The brilliant Saul Bass poster for the film hangs in my office at work. Also, I agree with you... Preference is preference and the poster you were responding to is presuming that only physical sensation is important to sexuality - not accounting for mental

I'm offended that their domain implies that while seven if adequate, it's better to be more. OUTRAGED!!!!

@ShubhraEchion: Oh! And I'm sorry... I read that slightly wrong, thought you were saying he WAS a producer. My fault. Good to know. I wonder how it will turn out. Does anybody know if there's any stories of litigation or is he planning on just dropping it?

@SarahHeartburn: Thanks! That's an interesting article. I'll be curious to see the film and see how they treat it. It's one thing if they totally change the character, if they're completely basing it on him, it seems like another matter entirely.

@ShubhraEchion: Is this information actually 100% reliable? I'm a fan of the Maysles brothers and hadn't heard of such a story. They are the producers on the original doc, along with Susan Frömke. There's no mention of Jerry Torre as a producer, though he is listed as being the uncredited handyman that appears in the

@theminutepast: Yes, he very certainly was. This is all I can really think about when I see him, fair or not. (Aside form spaying or neutering my animal, of course). He was sued multiple times by different models from the show, as well as charged with sexual harassment. I can't remember how the various cases panned

@SkipToMyLou: I'd say that particular review is either written by a completely sardonic person or a guy. Not that it makes it much better. Cult Amazon items have a way of inspiring parody reviews. Just see the famous David Hasslehoff Greatest Hits entry or the one for that $200 electronics cable.

I can't believe they charge five bucks more to keep the name off your credit card statement. And they can't actually keep it off altogether, it just has to be a benign name like "ACME Services." But why wouldn't they just do that across the board? This is idiotic.

@BrutallyHonestBabes (aka Mrs. Sarah.of.a.Lesser.Hobbit): I say, on a daily basis, "I'm so hungry I could eat at Arby's" and attribute it to him. Then whenever I manage to catch that episode I'm shocked it's actually one of the twin girls. Clearly it's their finest moment.

To DeLillo, the sound of a vacuum is just White Noise.

@LaComtesse: Dude.... Mo'Nique is an art-house Sundance prize winning sensation now. This is light years below her!

@jennfizz: Well... they have to mine for computer parts to make the magazine in the first place, so we break even there. Also, I'm guessing nobody is going to specifically buy a computer to read a digital download of Nylon. Just a hunch. So the carbon footprint on all the computers built isn't really Nylon's fault.

@token_y_chromosome: But it's so stubby, even if gigantic! I mean... proportionally I'm not impressed.

@BabyJane: His change back was Less Than Zero.

@victoriasauce: To be fair... her pointless crappy reality show is on air RIGHT NOW, hence the current hotness. This girl's pointless crappy reality show was years ago, leading to this speculation.

@BlondeGoddess: That's obviously true. Aside from painting out wrinkles and what they did to her skin, the rest really needed to be done to give this shot any hope. The lighting in the before is absolutely bland with no depth and no contrast. They tried to add in a good balance of shadows and light in the second to at

@bluebears: If the last five to seven years have taught you anything, it should be that doing something is no longer remotely necessary to achieve fame. We've been asking this question long enough that I think it goes without saying at this point. Having said that, Dita is a bit different. Whereas the Paris Hiltons of