
@leaderbean: Nobody is ever "the only one." So you're in luck.

@odinsraven: Yeah, I used to live and work in Miracle Mile and almost never moved my car from the garage.

@goldengirl11 (is way too earnest): Oh man. The Pasadena Whole Foods is TWO stories AND they let you sample wine. It's worth the drive from Echo Park on a Sunday as far as I'm concerned.

Seven words: Steve McQueen will always be Thomas Crown. (Nothing against Remington, here.)

@AliyaBabasaur: Yes, but the show is set in the future... And the "future" to 60's set designers and art directors is probably what the 70's became. I'd say that justification enough!

@SarahMC: I don't know that it really matters whether the porn or the insecurity is a problem. If my wife was insecure something, I wouldn't purposefully do something that would aggravate that insecurity. It doesn't matter if it's her "fault," and has nothing to do with my actions... my actions still affect her and it

@tiny_danza: Ha! I know... and the fact that this post has about a tenth of the comments as the post about Kim Kardashian's car.

@PreposterousHypothesis: Why on earth should driving a stick be required? Should everybody know how to drive a stagecoach as well? Should I know how to ford a river?

@bluebears: Wait... is he into both science docs and euro noise band docs? Will he be my friend?!?!?! Ha!

@Your Screenplay Sucks: OK, I have to admit... both my wife and I are hardcore film geeks, and especially into docs... and just to offer the opposite opinion, The Sorrow And The Pity IS worth the four hours and Deliver Us From Evil is also quite good, but sort of flawed in that you feel like the priest is getting off

@Odyssea: You can find plenty of things like that that aren't produced by Disney. And a fair amount of Disney's productions are crap as well, though Pixar has had a very solid run with few misfires.

@mrsdracomalfoy: A movie is a movie is a movie. Kids deserve kids movies to be great just as much as adults do. Yeah, it usually doesn't work out, but it doesn't change the point that this is mediocre entertainment. It's like saying we shouldn't care that an action movie is any good as long as it has good special

@isacloud: Then you're clearly doing it all just for show. Not because you actually - gasp - LIKE the music you like.

@rd2uk: But they pretty much DO do that. Whenever there is a popular show, a whole genre of knock offs pop up. It's pretty much the name of the game. I suppose it all depends on just how blatant the knock offs are, as you're saying.

@deeemer: Ehh... I don't know. Bush's "vacations" were filled with work. I'd be happier if he truly was vacationing half his presidency. Part of a president's job is being a figurehead and going around and doing things like this every so often. Big deal. They're working non stop. As for FDR, he's one of the only