
I've never actually gone to Shatto 39. It's a real, honest shitty bowling alley like Holly Star Lanes used to be, right? Not like that horrific mess at Hollywood/Highland?

@WaterTart: Just cause it says so on her wikipedia page doesn't mean it's true!

Man, I love Aretha.

@badmutha: Great, fifteen minutes of playing with Norton, followed by eight hours of him telling me how great he was at it.

They keep marketing it as "from the producers of Little Miss Sunshine." At first I thought that was a horrible idea, but now I think it might just be a plea along the lines of "it can't be a rip off if it was our own movie!" Either way, it's hard to get even more calculated than Little Miss Sunshine was in the first

@cate3710: Stars "doing their own stunts" are far different than what true stunt people do... I don't remember Tomb Raider in particular, but Angelina Jolie doing her own stunts probably means she was in a harness for awhile or jumped off a boat herself. It's simply not viable to make a movie with a star of that

@Aysel: There's actually a great doc called Double Dare that is about female stunt performers... in fact, Zoe Bell is one of the main focuses of the film, culminating with her doubling for Thurman in Kill Bill.

@Fate'sBitch (katieb): I feel like I knew Selma was a wife of Hollis, but I did not know she is a sister to Roman.

@lijakaca: Lou Reed, my friend. Originally sung by Nico on the Velvet's first record.

@MyNameIsChris: I also can't remember the exact twists or the outcome... it might invalidate my entire thoughts on this. Haha

@water baby: Don't get your hopes up... it's not really a classic femme fatale role by any stretch, but it has some elements...

@water baby: Oddly, didn't Aniston actually come somewhat closer to a femme fatale role for that awful Derailed with Clive Owen?

So many Warhol/Factory/Lou Reed references recently. Great!

@swimmingly: Slightly related. I used to work making cheesy music for promos and reality television shows and I once had to make a rockin modern version of the Chip & Dale Rescue Ranger theme song. It was possibly the most fun day at work ever.

@BrutallyHonestZombies: I was just kidding. Though I love the idea of a serious argument over the difference between Goo Goo G'Joob and Koo Koo Katchoo.

@hannapdx: Please... it's Goo Goo G'Joob! And what's the new Mary Kate?

First of all, the website was obviously a joke, and it was even funny in parts. I don't get why so many commenters are saying it wasn't satire. That's precisely what it was. Now, it was silly of the Times to treat it as such a serious thing (even if they did say it was very tongue in cheek) but as for the authors