
@Penny_Esq: If only it were sugar and not high fructose corn syrup. If she really knew what she was doing she'd stop at a bodega on the way home and pick up some mexican Cokes.

@pandorasmittens: Even better... did you see the leaked portfolio from the ad agency that Gawker had up a few weeks ago? Showing off all the deep symbolism and meaning behind the new logo? Brilliant!

@R_Claw(a/k/a Mrs. Edward Cullen): Forget recycling. She could fit about ten canvas bags folded up in her giant purse. Don't use paper or plastic in the first place.

@clocker: @chritter: She's absolutely brilliant in Network. Oddly she's in three of my favorite films of all time, Chinatown, Network and Bonnie & Clyde. I also love her in The Thomas Crown Affair though it's not quite in the same league as a film.

@SW-2: I know! Have you ever heard those Eugene Mirman audio clips of him arguing with the anti-gay phone company that calls him up to offer to switch his service to non gay companies? The are on my iPod and pop up about every two months randomly... never gets old.

@Snowbunny: Wow... that's a text every four minutes for an entire month, all day long... assuming eight hours of sleep daily that is.

@BlondeGrlz: I agree... he's not going to be an A List leading man type again, but he has plenty of high profile projects lined up. And it's not like The Wrestler was the ONLY thing he's been in. It was just the best part, and the most true leading man role he's had thus far. He received plenty of notice for Sin City

@trulymadlyme: She's totally likeable in it! I was sort of shocked I was able to forget the Mariah persona. Tough movie too...

@beatrice2000: Yeah, it's unfortunate. One group reduces it to "Tomei is hot and naked!!!" and another group dismisses it as a stripper with a heart of gold cliché. It's really a very well written comparison between two aging people dealing with similar issues...

@morninggloria: If she breaks out into an exuberant rendition of "See My Vest" things will get really amazing...

@ShinyMcShine: Yeah... I'm guessing you're talking about Murder On A Sunday Morning? Good doc... there are plenty of other similar movies. But I fail to see how the plight of one group should make me feel any less sympathetic when something bad happens to somebody from a less prejudiced group. The guy still got

He wants an Oscar.

@Fermina Daza: But that's not entirely the point... the question is why aren't there a wide array of roles that are demanding for actresses... why not a million stories about single mothers struggling to make it, or women struggling to find their place in a difficult career, or women excelling at sports, or on and on

I'd just like to mention that Tomei's role in The Wrestler is especially important to the story in a way that typical "stipper/hooker - with a heart of gold" parts aren't. The whole point of the movie is to examine a person who's life/career is presented as an alter ego, or a mask of themselves. Both Tomei and Rourke

@Ailatan: Same here... plus he has the added luster of having made good films before.

@Vivelafat is the Quizat Haderach: I don't know... I'm a guy and I'm extremely thin and have never been able to put on weight no matter how much I eat. A couple of the girls in my family are the same way and look to be roughly the size of her. It just happens sometimes.

@MyNameIsChris: Wait... totally confused. He wrote a different book with his wife. He's Just Not That Into You was with Liz Tuccillo from SATC.