
@Ailanthus-altissima: I don't think he did. He's just a stand up comic/writer who said that line. It was a woman who wrote it up into a book that insulted your intelligence, reinforced stereotypes and packaged it all up in pretty pink colors and douchbag patina. Then millions of women paid that woman for the right to

@Raspberry Swirl: Now with more yruppls!: It depends if the original animation for the opening was ever transferred to film in the first place. Otherwise they'd have to go back to the original cell animation to try to create an HD master. Either way, it would have probably cost at least as much as just creating a new

@hej_hej: Everything is not New Order meets The Smiths. Everything is not The Killers. Morrissey is coming off like any other typical old man who gets bored of music. Sure, most mainstream music these days is awful. But with the ability of almost anybody to record cheaply, and the internet as distribution, the rock

@Ulookinatmyjunk: Diary of a Mad Black Blogger: I didn't mean to imply it's not well known that drunk driving is dangerous. I was just pointing out how the public might percieve these crimes differently. Nobody gets drunk and drives a car with the intent to hurt somebody. Physically attacking somebody is completely

@Ulookinatmyjunk: Diary of a Mad Black Blogger: I think pretty much everything about the fight itself is conjecture and rumor at this point, but as for your argument of whether the public at large are willing to just forgive some and not others... well, there are several factors to consider. For one, as dangerous as

@lawchic: I really couldn't agree more. It's especially ironic since the people here tend to lambast the idiots on the Gawker board who are defending Brown with their own insane gossip. Look, it *seems* pretty clear that he beat the crap out of her, for which there is no excuse. I don't like him in the first place, so

@Penny Plastic (Archetype): I always like the people who dated famous people before they were famous stories. I have a friend I used to work with who dated Clooney in his pre gigantic fame days.

@Cheeky: I'm in that percentage! Weird.

@funnyface: I assume they are taking Valentine's day into account... at least for the stat about people seeking other's with jobs, they are simply comparing last January to this January.

@J.D.Regent: i.e. take the broad out of the broad.

@Raspberry Swirl: Now with more yruppls!: I doubt a lack of intelligent, self respecting women is really going to bother him. Maybe this was his genius plan to keep them all far away from him at all times.

@Jessica Hussein Lovejoy is now on Facebook!...: My best friend's wedding happened on a beach in Malibu. While walking down the beach for photos afterwards, we passed by an enormously skeevy photo shoot with two poor topless girls getting slammed into jagged rocks by incoming waves. And it was cold.

@LucilleTwo: It wasn't even specifically for the extras. They leaked that to the internet well in advance of the movie.

@stacyinbean: My weather widget tells me it's 48 outside. I don't remember it feeling QUITE that cold but it's hardly warm, and raining pretty heavily on and off. I actually was in hail for a few blocks on the drive to work.

@afiunderground: She doesn't HAVE to phrase things in a way that's palatable, and yet she shouldn't be shocked if unpalatable comments raise some people's ire... common sense, isn't it? Is there ANY reason to go around telling the world who you find unattractive anyway? What's the point?

@jessicarabbit: Really? Are there cases of this happening? I'd love to know... the closest I can think of is Kobe Bryant who was charged, and was dropped by all his endorsements except Nike who remained quietly on board until the case was resolved. What are other examples?

@squirrelcop: I'm faced with the same dilemma. It's horrifying.

Not just Radiohead... apparently, Radiohead doing 15 Step backed by the full USC marching band!