@Jamie Sommers: I like this: "That doesn't explain why you acted nice to me on MSN afterwards, using your usual smiley faces and being nice."
@Jamie Sommers: I like this: "That doesn't explain why you acted nice to me on MSN afterwards, using your usual smiley faces and being nice."
@EkaterinaBallerina: Yeah... and there are so many openly gay actors getting straight romantic roles. I seem to remember Anne Heche getting those questions a LOT during Six Days, Seven Nights with Harrison Ford...
@jenalicious: There's religions that weren't pretty much made up? You mean that this one was made up relatively recently?
@MyNameIsChris: Davis, rather.
@brendastarlet is on it: Yeah... I personally would side with her over Adams. With Cruz it's a toss up for me. I loved VCB and thought she was fantastic in it. I preferred that film to Doubt, but David really nailed a tough scene without coming off as showy or actorly.
Can I just mention that this woman was incredible in Doubt. I didn't know who she was and it was the first time in a long time that an actor's performance made me search them out on IMDB to find out more about her.
@suburbancowboy: Funny though... the whole idea of linking sketches on Mr. Show (not that a couple other shows hadn't done it first) was to avoid the need to build a sketch up to a punchline. It's part of the problem with the SNL format... endings are always the most difficult.
@Your Screenplay Sucks; Try Adding Zombies: It's funny you say that. Last year during the Super Bowl we did a Double Indemnity/Touch of Evil doubleheader... Wilder won, barely.
@alysbrangwin: You had me until Titanic.
@Raspberry Swirl hearts vampires (Take that, zombies!): Don't forget Michael Peterson.
@echoparkgal: Yeah... I was REALLY letdown with the Americana. I thought it might pan out. Oh well. I'm in Echo Park too, so I'm in the same boat... the Vista and Arclight.
@Mediokra: It's actually a decent theatre! Easy to moviehop too... Back when I was far more broke and unemployed I used to buy a matinee ticket every Monday when there was nobody at the Grove, and go around and see all three movies that came out that week.
@MyNameIsChris: I'd also like to point out that they really fucked up the movie theatre in the Americana. I thought it would be a halfway decent multiplex like the one at the Grove, which is actually the best part of that place. But the rooms are too small and it's just chintzy. So I'm still fucked, either hopefully…
@afiunderground: Ha! Yeah... the American is slightly more upscale... The Grove added that Barney's Co-op a year or two ago, but that's about it.
@MyNameIsChris: Speaking of the Grove being lame... have you been fortunate enough to see the new Grove in Glendale? It's lame times two! Double decker trolley! A fountain with two tiers! It's amaaaaaazing.
@afiunderground: Ehh... the Bev Center has seen better days too. I remember I actually used to see movies there, on a screen roughly the size of my television now. With four rows of strangely laid out seats. I've always hated the Grove for encroaching on farmer's market and driving out some of the good old school…
@Mediokra: I would hate having to drive through Beverly Hills daily. I work in Miracle Mile and that's as far west as I ever want to go except very special occasions. Fairfax is the cut off. I WILL say the tourists are funny though... go to any other city and you see tourists taking pictures of actual historical…
@exelizabeth: Personally I tend to enjoy extremely subtle satire... the over the top stuff just becomes silly SNL type shit usually. Not saying these girls really hit the nail on the head, but I sort of enjoy the ambiguity of it all. I think the tagline you mentioned is a pretty obvious piece of evidence. Daily…
@MyNameIsChris: Granted, I'm splitting hairs... and I agree with your second definition... haha.
@I_can_still_pitch: Haha... I agree it was fake... or really, grossly exaggerated for attention, which they got. On another note (I'm just curious) do you really think satire indicates nuance? I mean... it's really just irony or exaggeration. Surely there is badly done satire and well done satire?