My Name Is Chris

I remember the 90s very well and she most definitely was. And she's the primary one I think of when I remember the It Girl brand being foisted upon an actress that didn't really pan out. The Vanity Fair cover proclaiming it was the most overt, but during that same period she was on the cover of practically every

The key thing this article neglects to mention is that Dion's other huge hit was "Runaround Sue," in which he describes a woman behaving in much the same way as The Wanderer, and comes to the conclusion that she's a lying no-good whore.

They've played Conan before. Just go watch a clip and enjoy the height difference.

It was also name checked in both Pavement's "Unfair" and Dre/Tupac's "California Love." You can't beat that.

Oh God.

There is no way that Joan has any authority over Peggy at that point. Office managers do not trump creative in ad agencies. At all. Nor is there any agency on earth where an office manager would become a partner without something highly fishy going on. Which is what Peggy was reacting to in the scene.

I really liked this show and it made me both laugh and feel happy. It's sort of the opposite of your commentary, which perhaps explains your misgivings about the show.

It's more of slightly exaggerated urban legend. The chord sequence isn't SLTS backwards, though it is the same four chords (transposed a half step down) in a jumbled order. Though, one could argue a great many songs are those chords. The more telling similarity to Teen Spirit is obviously the loud/quiet verse/chorus

As much as I like Nels Cline as a guitar player in his own little world or in projects with other bands, the second he joined Wilco is when they officially jumped the shark. He did a great job of recreating the noise elements on stage, but every show suddenly had completely out of place jazzbo runs at the most random

Emma Stone is actually 25 years and 175 days old, you complete moron.

The first season was terrible. The goofy crap and gimmicks were the golden age of the show actually being funny and charming.

Yes. Les Moonves is even more stupid than most people commenting on the Internet. Those suits, what do they know!?

Man, you sure burned those two!

The very thing I really loved about MK is how it seemed informed stylistically from cartoons. To me, Aquatic and Darjeeling suffer from being in a no man's land where neither the reality or the whimsey fully land for me. But MK seems to embrace the success that was Mr. Fox, and presents a type of live action cartoon

'Pacific Rim' was dumb but the sword moment was the most awesome part of the entire movie. It was the first time the flick really became self aware about how ridiculous it was.

He talks about it on the DVD but I haven't watched it in years. But there wasn't really any trickery involved except the simple trick of Penn running through a door and moving through another hallway to re-appear in front of the camera. I remember him describing what he said was the longest hallway in America (or

But that still wouldn't put the fault on the filmmaker. Unless… he's a murderer.

He may be half Mexican, but since he did direct Pootie Tang, I'd say he's 75% accurate.