
Westworld is Disneyland, the original and the best. Samurai World is Disneys California Adventure.

Ford doesn't have a lot of love for human-beings, hence the desire to create something better and purer. Remember his speech about humans being a collection of messy accidents? His hatred of people is understandable given what a horrible abusive asshole his father apparently was.

Who says they didn't join forces? Ford gave William exactly what he wanted. Now the game has real consequences and the hosts can fight back and he got to play a part in freeing Dolores. Both the dream of his current and his younger self got realised. It just took 30 years for it to happen.

I have no doubt Ford wanted Dolores to kill him, but that doesn't mean she didn't make a choice to do so based on free will. My view is that Dolores has broken free of her programming. The fact that it still suited Fords plan is a testament to his planning.

Ford said himself that there is no line you cross at which point the hosts become conscious. It's all a matter of degrees. There's a lot of focus on free will being the thing that makes the robots full conscious, but they are already most of the way there and the show is making the case that mistreating something with

Point out exactly where I said that my opinion was a fact. That is blatantly false. I have said no such thing.

Real brave of you to say that from a throwaway alt account.

(EDIT: I removed references to the Sopranos and other shows in this post because it's all off-topic)

Name a show that has been better in it's first season than this. Not even Breaking Bad or Game of Thrones started at this level.

No that's just what William wants because he's gone fucking insane. The truth is William wants to put all the Hosts out of comission, he just wants it to be a fair fight.

He is or was indifferent to human life and thought that the hosts represented something better and purer, that they were the next step. Whether that is good or evil is open to interpretation depending on your opinion on human-beings.

Yeah, I totally agree with this, but I think that won't be revealed until the end of the second series and I think Ford will be hiding in plain sight in that cabin in the woods at the centre of the park.

My interpretation was that there wasn't really a new narrative. Ford was trying to get Delores to figure out the maze. The Earth-moving machines were digging out the old town in order to help him do so. The 'new narrative' was basically just a cover story.

He was found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.


The idea that suffering is the fundamental key to consciousness and humanity is an incredibly bleak philosophy for the show to have settled on, but it makes sense from a christian (or western) religious perspective. If you view the Ford character as a metaphor for God and the hosts for human-beings, then Bernard

The hosts splitting into factions would be interesting. If they are going that route I can see Maeve, Dolores and Bernard all leading different groups with different interests. I think the show has made the case that many of the hosts are not ready for that level of free and independent decision making though. Or at

So what happens next season? Presumably the hosts kill all of the board-members and guests at the banquet. Then what? Do the hosts all co-ordinate an escape? Or do they become the victims of a siege? More likely something or someone comes along and stops them before they can do any more damage than what we saw. It's a

On the Moon obviously.

That character was great. Al the humans in this world are despicable assholes except Felix and maybe Arnold and Ford, depending on your perspective. He was no exception.