
If this is the thread where we gloat for calling things I'd like to tell you all I told you so on the fact that Wyatt is Dolores.

Has it been confirmed for Shogun World? I was thinking it could be Samurai World.

I liked the way he started this review with a rant about how he can't remember his dreams sometimes, then said that this obviously brilliant and greatest of all time in many respects show was not great. Jesus fucking christ, get someone who actually likes and / or gets the show to review it next season.

Didn't even read more than a sentence into that rant. I automatically click Block User on anyone who overuses caps lock.

I hate procedurals, but I can get into true crime because at least there is the potential to learn about how the legal system works.

I spent this year taking advantage of the fact that they put the whole NNF back catalogue on Howl and successfully listened to every episode (I used to drive a lot for work and also work in graphic design so I have a lot of time to listen to podcasts). That left a huge void when I was finished. Luckily my favourite

I was at the Sydney show, it was amazing.

For me it crossed that horizon in series 3 and despite the occasional episode that returned to form since then it's well out of fun hate-watch territory now.

I think I officially reached the end of my tether in the last episode, which I switched off halfway through. I regret giving this season a chance. I'm choosing to believe the show ended with the episode in which Rick group and the Alexandrians defeated the wolves. That at least felt like a somewhat optimistic

Not all, just the stupid ones, incapable of following an idea to it's logical conclusion.

I don't think Audacity is a five dollar word anymore. Obama made it go mainstream.

I think Ken is being set up to make it to the final and not win, hence all the confessionals about other people thinking he's a sanctimonious hypocit. He seems analogous to Lee in Survivor Aus to me.

I think Adam is simply weak at communicating. He has been a strong player in most other respects.

How do we know the show is set in 2016? I was imaging that it took place a few years from now.

I think it's a Fringe reference.

Delores is Wyatt. In that she is the person who massacred the townspeople with Teddy. The townspeople weren't just the hosts, but also their programmers.

Yeah, I think people have simply reached breaking point with David feeling sorry for himself and bringing up his survivor journey all the time. The sympathy fatigue has set in and now people are seeing it as simply a strategy to win jury votes.

Brett said 'stick with the plan'. Hannah asked what he meant by the plan. Brett said 'ken' to try and create confusion. In doing so Brett tricked David into wasting his idol by convincing them Ken was the target, superbly I might add, but it wasn't enough for his alliance to win the vote and get rid of Hannah.

My theory is that these people simply cannot bring themselves to accept that Trumps views are as extreme or racist as they really are and therefore he must be being misinterpreted or misconstrued somehow. This is the end result of the conservatives decades long war on the concept of journalistic integrity, spearheaded

I'm blocking you for this comment and I don't feel even the slightest bit bad about it.