
The obese memberberries rolling their way into the white house is really the perfect metaphor for what's happening right now.

Or he could just not.

Um, excuse me, but have you paid attention to the coalitions policies over the last 20 years? Many TAFE courses are 20 times more expensive than they were a couple of years ago and they have plans to deregulate university fees that will make courses two or three times as expensive. They are also steadily privatising

HRC wouldn't have won the primary if not for her superpacs and corporate sponsors.

HRC represented whatever the opposite of populism is (sobering realism?) plus multiculturalism. A real recipe for failure.

Minorities turned out for HRC. Fat lot of fucking good it did.

Game of Thrones has at least half a dozen likeable characters, which is half a dozen more than TWD.

This show has been obviously meandering for a while, but I'm never sure when exactly to check out.

Who says the ledger wasn't fake? I'm 90 percent sure half the weapons or more are buried in Maggies grave.

I feel like the bullet manufacturing subplot will come back at some point this season.

TWD almost always seems like it was written by a 15 year old, but this one in particular seemed that way.

How can they sleep whilst their beds are burning?

I feel like they're setting up blonde Harvey two-face for the redemption arc and they'll kill off Negan.

It was an open ended question that Rick was formerly too afraid to contemplate.

Theory: Maggies fake grave is filled with as many weapons as Rick thought they could get away with hiding and the only people who know are Father Gabriel and whoever the woman is who runs the armoury.

Assuming you're driving the speed limit, which if it's the post-apocalypse, why would you bother?

Is that godawful blog still going? I thought they went under in 2013.

I remember 2004 too and I remember people would shout you down if you even suggested there weren't actually any WMD's in Iraq or tried to talk about the war or American foreign policy in a critical way. I didn't hear anyone else writing political music at the time. Green Day amongst others played a part in changing

I always felt like they came from the sniff glue and go skateboarding school of punk rather than the dismantle capitalism school.

Churchill is a really interesting political figure. I highly recommend the movie The Gathering Storm if you want to learn more about him.