
Westworld is great if you give it a chance.

It's about Queen Elizabeths life. She's a Windsor, so it's about the Windsors. It gives insight into royal family dynamics and historical events of the time. The things you described are not binary or mutually exclusive and your question is ridiculous.

There's far worse than scandals in the near-future.

The shit-stains moved into the avclub comments sections about two years ago. The site has been in a steady delcine ever since.

I'm hoping it's the death of Evangelicals claim to moral superiority. This election has shown them for the fucking hypocrites they are.

The answer used to be to adopt some semblance of impartiality. This is one sides view, this is the other sides view, these are the merits and problems with both, this is the preferable option. That's gone now. Fox news killed any idea of impartiality in journalism. Now anyone who tries to be impartial is denigrated as

People with the privilege to afford a college education voted for the guy who's going to kick poor minorities around and who everyone knows will makes things more difficult for working class people despite promising them the world. I wonder what their reasons could have possibly been.

I agree with this 100 percent.

The last Australian election was decided by a few hundred and a few dozen votes in some electorates and yet there are still shithead who think it's funny to not vote for anyone.

If you have the time, this question has been answered really well by several people on quora.

The show can be as hard on Edward as it likes as far as I'm concerned. The guy was spoilt, irresponsible, bitter, greedy, inconsiderate jerk.

Straw-manning isn't clever. It's actually one of the dumbest kind of arguments you can make. It makes you seem both stupid and condescending.

They're programmed to not harm humans, but for reasons that are yet to be fully explained, some of the hosts have broken their programming.

I think Maeve will get shut down realtively soon. This show is planned for five seasons after all, only a matter of time before it starts wheel spinning. Let's just enjoy it whilst we all still think it's good.

I hate to say it, but this show probably should have been cancelled after the first season. The only reason I'm watching is that I enjoy post-apocalyptic survival scenarios, but it's not even delivering a lot of content on that front anymore. The character stuff, which they seem to think is what the shows about is not

I think the conflict has something to do with Arnold wanting to create sentient life and set it free.

I remember watching a documentary about Bernie Maddoff and they talked about there being a floor in his company's building where all of the computers were from the 90s and everything was falling apart. These were the servers on which evidence of his fraudulent practices were kept. Maybe they are covering something up.

Maybe they were doing construction within the park and accidentally flooded the bottom few floors?

Are they though? Or are they just behaving the way they've been programmed to behave? I'm not sure.

I feel like Felix fucking with and experimenting on Maeve was fore-shadowed with him fucking with and experimenting on the bird earlier. He's trying to figure out how this machine works and why it seems to be malfunctioning.