
I would like to see this television show please.

Everything Max Landis is involved ends up somewhere on the spectrum between mediocre and awful and this show is no exception.

He got a good performance out of Ryan Fucking Reynolds, so maybe the extra takes were totally justified.

It was better than the prequels (not high praise).

They need to replace her with someone. That woman cant act her way out of a paper bag.

No, art does not have infinite variety. Human-beings have created a finite amount of art in our time on Earth. Again, you seem to fail to understand the concept of infinity.

How do I know that? Because too much of anything is ultimately torture and eternity is an infinite amount of every single thing. I can tell from your post that you don't understand the concept of infinity yet.

You're missing the point. Eternity is ultimately torture no matter what happens to you there. What's your favourite food? Let's say for the sake of argument that it's hamburgers. How would you feel about them after eating 300 million of them? You'd probably be pretty sick of them right? Now apply this theory to

I genuinely believe these movies to be more intelligent and true to the character than Stevn Moffats unrelenting shitfest of a mini-series.

Good points. I'd be more concerned with reading all the books I'd neglected than dating to be honest, but then that's basically also how I live my life now.

I hate you and your cheesy light metaphor.

That ending would have made this dreadful episode worthwhile. The whole system just reboots and the server farm is empty because everyone has been wiped. Lol. Smash cut to credits and the theme from Curb Your Enthusiasm plays.

You're right, who's to say when I slept last night I wasn't replaced with an exact copy of myself? Oh that's right. I can say that. That's ridiculous.

There's a great story by Isaac Asimov about this, but I don't want to spoil it. It's called the Last Question.

Your belief that a relationship can last forever is somehow both enviably and pitifully naive.

No, that is the right way. It makes no sense when you hold it up to scrutiny. Like all religious mythology.

Right, but surely there are lots of people who die homophobic. The tech doesn't discriminate as far as we can tell and it wouldn't remove a persons prejudices, so there would be just as many scumbags in San Junipero as there are in the real world.

You have to know that it's spelt 'soul' right? How is it possible for you to spell it wrong every time and expect your thoughts on the subject to be taken seriously?

You're not wrong, especially when these feelings are not mutual and originate from the other persons issues and needs, for which they believe you to be the solution. It that case it can be incredibly awkward, uncomfortable and weird and you wish that they would just go away and figure out their problems on their own.

I thought it was terrifying, but I'll let you have your moment of happiness without really thinking about the ramifications of what you saw if that's what you got out of it.